The most important video of the year?

Courtesy of an e-mail from reader G. M., I was led to this speech by ‘futurologist’ Juan Enriquez at the recent 2013 Fiscal Summit.  I cannot sufficiently emphasize its importance.  It addresses not only current fiscal problems, but also the emergence of technologies that will drastically change our economic (and living) environment.

My only concern is that current fiscal problems may hobble the emergence of the technologies Mr. Enriquez identifies.  If our economy goes to hell in a handbasket, everything he predicts will come to a grinding halt (here in our own back yard, at least) while we devote all our time, energies and resources to simple survival.

Despite that unpleasant thought, this is an extraordinarily important presentation.  It’s a must-watch for anyone concerned about the future, whether individual, local, regional, national or world-wide.



  1. I was generally aware of the genomic development, but had no idea it has come so far, so fast. That's astounding.

  2. I have a 'fairly' good education, a goodly lot of of general knowledge and life experience, all of which, after watching this, has immediately been rendered both prehistoric, but, in part, futuristic, my comprehension mechanisms are working wayyy overtime as of now..
    I have MUCH to try and get across to my early teenage Grandchildren.
    Time's awastin'!, gotta get my skates on!!!.

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