The night shift clearly has way too much time on their hands . . .

The Cora supermarket in Rennes, France, clearly had too many workers on the night shift with too little to do.  They came up with this domino demonstration, using store stocks.

When it hit YouTube, it went viral, and as a result the supermarket’s customers demanded to see it ‘live’.  The workers duly obliged, and hundreds of people turned up to watch.

So, what began as a project to amuse bored workers has turned into a pretty massive publicity stunt for the supermarket chain.  Well done to all concerned!



  1. Not thinking inside the box, nor OUTSIDE the box but with the box.

    Very nice, thanks!

    Cap'n Jan

  2. How fun! If my local chain thought this was going on in their aisles, butts would be out the door. Unfortunately.

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