The sheer, mind-boggling stupidity continues


Yesterday I published a post titled “The sheer, mind-boggling stupidity is overwhelming“.  In it, I described a transgender whatever who was upset that the results of its genetic analysis revealed its chromosomes, thereby definitively proving that it was male, whether it liked that or not.

Well, it seems the stupidity is spreading, and getting worse.  “Bear” Bussjaeger sent me the link to this article.

The United Kingdom’s grasp of gender theory will likely have real health consequences for both the transgendered population and those living with their biological gender.

Gender transitioning men, who identify as female, will be invited by the United Kingdom’s National Health Service to take tests for cervical cancer – despite not having a cervix.

Further, women who identify as male will not be offered routine anti-cancer check ups for their breasts and cervix.

Ironically, biological females who are transitioning to become men would be ineligible for these screenings, as they would be registered as male.

A study recently found that transgender men were at a higher risk of breast cancer in comparison to the general male population.

Another test that will be withheld from men identifying as women – as they would be registered as woman – is for a blood vessel defect called an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA).

From the age of 65 and up, men are invited to attend an ultrasound scan to search for AAA.

AAAs are six times more common in older men than women.

If left untreated, AAA can lead to a fatal hemorrhage.

It is unclear why the the NHS is refusing this service to those who are biologically male, and could possibly die if left untreated.

There’s more at the link.

I had to sit, jaw open in dumbfounded astonishment, staring at the screen for a moment or two after reading that.  For medical professionals to pander to those with clear and obvious psychiatric and/or psychological delusions, by pretending that they’re not what Mother Nature made them to be, and therefore either offering completely inappropriate treatments, or refusing fully appropriate ones . . . verily, the mind doth boggle.

What’s next?  Botanical services to those who identify as “flower children” – paid for by the State, of course?  A quick pruning here and there, perhaps?  Or would that be a non secateur?

Speaking of the pap smears referenced in the article, Mr. Bussjaeger noted:  “I’d kinda like to be out in the hallway, waiting for the screams when they shove that swab up ‘her’ penis.”  Tell you what, buddy:  I’ll join you there, with beer and a recording device.  It can register for posterity the patient’s wails, our (frequent) opening of beer cans, and our increasingly hysterical laughter.  If we’re lucky, the next room along will be used for prostate gland examinations of patients who don’t have them (preferably using a pre-iced metal speculum… after all, frigidity is a medical condition, right?).  The resulting cacophony should make a great blog article for both of us!



  1. The comments on the previous post cover it.

    The only thing I will add: sometimes i think i am too cynical, but stories like this make me feel that I am not cynical enough.

    Weather it is socital/civilizational collapse or something g less apocalyptic; at some point trans and all of its enablers will be quite shocked when the resources they waist and societal rot they embody is no longer tolerated. Double that when people see these lunatics pushed to the front for those reasources.

  2. I am shocked to hear that these people may have to actually suffer consequences for the choices they have made. I didn't think that was legal anymore.

  3. We’re living in Heinlein’s Crazy Years, aren’t we?

    Even if you self-identify as a bird, jumping off a cliff is a really bad idea.

  4. So being a tranny under NHS care means they won't get screening or care for sex-specific cancers for the sex they deny being?

    That means the NHS is letting them suffer the consequences of their delusion, leaving more services available for the sane.


  5. The NHS is a political creature, not a medical one, in the same way Islam is a political system masquerading as a religion.

    Neither of those things are interchangeable, but everything that proceeds form the correct nomenclature accords with what one might expect.

  6. I Thought I was beyond being shocked.
    I Was Wrong…

    Gender transitioning men, who identify as female, will be invited by the United Kingdom’s National Health Service to take tests for cervical cancer – despite not having a cervix.

    Okay, got me there. Had to take a minute to absorb that..

    Further, women who identify as male will not be offered routine anti-cancer check ups for their breasts and cervix.

    Ironically, biological females who are transitioning to become men would be ineligible for these screenings, as they would be registered as male.

    Aaand,, here I laughed..
    Are insurance companies Paying doctors to Do things that are absolutely absurd?
    When a problem is not discovered because a test is not performed and someone suffers from a cancer that could have and should have been detected and dealt with early, because Someone
    The Package
    will there be lawsuits?

    And how is it going to feel for that poor Woman when she is diagnosed with prostate cancer?

    I gotta admit that life has forced me to change my understanding of things as I grew up, but the insane crap that we, the Normies, are being expected to accept and gracefully walk through public places we are sharing with people who are clearly emotionally and mentally disturbed and Try to not behave in a way that that poor person would catch on to? Seriously? I have not had that moment,, and I hope I never do. Openly Queer, yeah, seen that. I stared, I know,, o well,

  7. I'm reminded of Lex's tale of his first Navy physical – being given a list of tests to report for – including a Pap smear. Which, being of the male persuasion, he had no clue what that was. Seems someone in the bureaucracy had looked at his first name and mistaken "Carroll" for "Carol".
    But that was a one-off confusion, and not an institutional decision to be stupid as a matter of policy.

  8. "It is unclear why the the NHS is refusing this service to those who are biologically male, and could possibly die if left untreated."

    I dunno, letting people die untreated seems to be SOP for the NHS.

  9. I think it was Ayn Rand who said, "You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality."

    Napoleon said, "Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake."

    Hmmm . . . now I need a quote blender . . .
    -John Wilder

  10. I may get pushback for this, but..

    I don't care if Joe is happier and more comfortable living life as Susan. It doesn't cause me harm, so why should I be bothered by it. In fact, if Joe puts any effort into it, I will have no problem calling her Susan or Ma'am.

    But at a certain point we're getting into pure stupidity, and as this article points out, that stupidity is putting people's health at risk. I mean, if I identify as black, should I get screened for sickle cell anemia on a regular basis? What if my black friend identifies as white? Does that protect him from sickle cell? While I'm identifying as black, can I skip the sunscreen at the beach?

  11. What Rick said: "So being a tranny under NHS care means they won't get screening or care for sex-specific cancers for the sex they deny being?"

    So maybe the NHS is just helping Darwin along. As long as the ailments involved are not contagious, I don't see a problem.

  12. I can't help but think that the whole transgender thing would have been stopped in its tracks if this policy had been strictly implemented 15 or so years ago.

    It is harsh, but it is absolutely correct in that it recognizes that there are biological differences between men and women, and treatments for one are completely inappropriate for the other.

    And if these fashionable transgenders want to receive treatment appropriate to the bodies they have, rather than the identity they claim, they're going to have to abandon their identity, and adopt one that is congruent with their biology.

    Which would be better for them in the long run anyway.

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