This looks very promising!

Director Peter Jackson has just released the first trailer for his new two-part movie, The Hobbit, the first half of which will be released in December next year. As I’m sure most readers already know, it’s based on J. R. R. Tolkien‘s ‘prequel‘ to his Lord Of The Rings trilogy, previously (and memorably) filmed by Jackson.

Here’s the trailer. I highly recommend watching it in full-screen mode, and HD if you have a high-bandwidth connection.

I’ve always had my own mental impression of how Tolkien’s Dwarf songs would have sounded . . . but I think Jackson’s interpretation of them, as depicted in this trailer, is just magnificent! I’m really looking forward to seeing this film.



  1. I read all the Tolkien books years ago when they first came out and was hooked. 🙂 This trailer looks like it (the movie) has possibilities.

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