Tom Rogneby’s latest is a goodie

Fellow blogger DaddyBear, better known as Tom Rogneby in meatspace and the world of books, has brought out a new collection of stories.  It’ll be formally released next week, but it’s available for pre-order already.

I’ve enjoyed Tom’s previous books, ‘Tales of the Minivandians‘ and ‘Via Serica‘, the latter set in the ancient Roman Empire.  His latest builds on those foundations, and shows that he’s growing in his mastery of the craft.  Elements of both previous books find their way into his new one, as well as a lot of original material.  You’ll find snippets from his new book here, here, here and here on his blog to whet your appetite.

Recommended reading.


1 comment

  1. Thanks. This one was a lot of fun, and it cleared out a lot of the stuff that's been rumbling around in the attic for a while.

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