Two very good articles

While Miss D. and I are on our road trip I’m not reading as many blogs as I usually do, but today I had time to scan a few of them.  Two articles caught my eye.

The Silicon Graybeard describes ‘The Extent That the Central Bankers Distort the World‘.  It’s a very useful look at how international financial authorities are deliberately keeping a lid on normal financial processes and outcomes in their quest to keep the world economy under control.  Very worthwhile reading, albeit troubling stuff.

On a more poignant note, Mr. Garabaldi describes a memorial to a German officer who was honored by his American opponents for trying to save the life of a US soldier.  He was killed in the attempt.  Amid all the horrors of 1944/45, it’s good to know that some humanity remained on both sides.

Both articles are highly recommended reading.


1 comment

  1. Hey Peter,

    Thank you for the Props. My friend *shelldude* actually found it and I just added to it with other stuff I had.


    Bob A.K.A. "MrGarabaldi"

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