Violent crime in liberal/progressive US cities

Note these recent headlines from a number of US cities:

What’s the common denominator in all these cities?  They’ve all suffered under liberal and/or left-wing and/or progressive administrations for years, some of them for decades.  They’ve had billions of dollars in Federal and State subsidies thrown at them, none of which has had the intended or desired effect.  They’re hotbeds of ghetto crime and wasted lives.  Nor are they the only examples – there are many more, almost all of which share those common denominators.  Just do an Internet search on ‘ghetto crime USA‘ and see for yourself.

If you live in or near any city so afflicted, I think the time has come to seriously consider moving somewhere safer.  Things aren’t going to get any better anytime soon – rather, the opposite, IMHO.



  1. To paraphrase the late Margaret Thatcher – – the problem with white flight is that eventually you run out of places to fly to.

  2. I live just outside the Baltimore City limits, but finances prevent anything more than talking about moving. And every time we start to get ahead, stuff happens. Last month I developed a tear in the meniscus of my left knee. Today I found out I have an infected molar that needs a root canal. Did I mention that particular tooth is at one end of a bridge? I am officially on the "third bad thing" watch.

  3. I'm just reading Theodore Dalrymple's 'Life at the Bottom'. Very good observations of the underclass and how they got/get that way. He's writing of the white underclass in Britain, but it applies to the underclass in the US which many mistakenly assume is a racial issue. The cities in question have very large underclasses. Turns out developing a victim mentality and belief in your lack of agency is the express train to the underclass. The liberals love to push the theme on the "poor innocents" even as they deny assistance to the legit poor who just want to escape the underclass and their violent crime.

  4. Update of sorts: two people, what reports now say were a 31-year-old woman and her seven-year-old son, were shot in the head in what police are describing as an execution. They lived just across the city line from my home, a bit over two miles away. My guess is that this is going to end up connected with gang retaliation or intimidation. It's getting "real" here, folks.

  5. The OTHER common denominator in all these places is that they have especially high black populations.
    Someone had to say it…

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