We need to remember Glenara Bates

This is one of the most horrific crimes I’ve come across lately.  Don’t read further unless you have a strong stomach.

When 2-year-old Glenara Bates was taken to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center last month, she had more than 100 wounds to her body, officials said. She weighed only 13 pounds.

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Glenara had broken teeth, bite marks, and numerous lacerations as well as marks from being whipped with a belt, officials said Wednesday at a news conference announcing murder charges against her parents.

They face the death penalty.

“There’s no doubt in my mind that his child was tortured for most of her … pitifully short life,” said Hamilton County Coroner Dr. Lakshmi Sammarco. “She was, literally, skin over bones.”

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Andrea Bradley, 28, of East Walnut Hills, and Glen Bates, 32, of College Hill, have been indicted on charges of aggravated murder, murder and child endangerment. They are being held at the Hamilton County jail.

They were arrested March 29, the same day Bradley brought the girl to the hospital, said Prosecutor Joe Deters. Glenara – one of Bradley’s seven children – was pronounced dead at the hospital.

Both Bradley and Bates admitted severely abusing Glenara, according to court records.

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Glenara, he said, slept in a bath tub filled with feces and blood.

“It’s horrific, what was going on,” Deters said.

There’s more at the link.

I don’t have words to describe the anger in me as I read about this case.  That anger is certainly directed against Glenara’s parents, but even more against social services who knew that her mother had severe mental health issues and had repeatedly investigated past problems with her other children, yet still returned Glenara to her.  Their ‘officialese’ apologies leave me cold.  I submit all those concerned – everyone who failed to live up to their responsibilities – should face the same punishment as the parents.

I fear that baby Glenara will soon be forgotten, yet another faceless, unremembered victim of the plague of nanny state neglect that’s so common today.  She deserves better of us in death than she received from our society in life.  Let’s remember her.  Let’s make sure that Child Protective Services and similar agencies are never allowed to forget her life – or her death.  Let’s hold them accountable to ensure that there are no more Glenaras.  That’s the least we can do for this unspeakably tortured, neglected, abused little girl.

May Glenara rest for eternity in the peace she was so cruelly, viciously denied in life.



  1. "I think it's a case of a number of people knowing what's going on," she said, "and not saying anything."

    You are absolutely correct… Accessories to murder, all of them.

    What those parents did to that poor child is pure evil.

  2. And, at the other end of the spectrum, the two Meitiv children were kidnapped by the Montgomery County (Md) Gestapo and held for almost 8 hours before being returned to their parents. The crime: Parents allowing their kids (10 and 6) to walk several blocks to a playground by themselves in a nice, very liberal, Silver Spring neighborhood.

    Maybe the Cincinatti and Montgomery County folks could get together and compare notes….

  3. I'm opposed to the death penalty for reasons of morality; yet I'm conflicted here as to the parents' right to life after this.

  4. The CPS folks will face no punishment, of course.

    Qualified immunity is important; it lets the government attract top talent.

  5. [The 28-year old mother "Bradley is now pregnant with her eighth child […] She gave birth to her first child at 15. Court documents list four fathers […] Two of the other fathers are in prison."


  6. In all the years they have existed, I've never heard a good thing about any Dept of Child Services. I suppose that once in a while they might accidentally do something right, just like a broken clock reads correctly once in a while.

    Doesn't seem to matter what country they work in, either. All same same.

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