What a way to meet Borepatch!

As most of you will know by now, fellow blogger Borepatch took a tumble on his motorcycle yesterday.  He has half a dozen broken ribs and a fractured clavicle, as well as a bruised lung and some interesting-looking patches of road rash.

Miss D. and I had been planning on meeting him for lunch today, but we got the news early this morning that he was in durance vile in hospital.  We decided to beard the lion in his den go to see him there instead, and made our way to Pensacola.  It was the first time we’d met him, but we’ve seen pictures of him, so it was no problem to recognize him in his pink frilly nightgown with lace trimmings in his bed in ICU.

We spent almost an hour talking with him, interrupted by a doctor dropping by to check on him and other bits and pieces.  Miss D. and I enjoyed his company, and we hope he enjoyed ours – the pain meds probably made us more tolerable to him!  Seriously, though, he was very fortunate.  It could have been a lot worse.  He’ll be going home shortly, and then it’s just a matter of giving his body time to recover.  Broken ribs are painful and slow to heal, and there’s no alternative but to wait for them to get it done on their own.  I suspect he’s going to have to insist on very, VERY gentle hugs for several weeks!

Several of you had recommended that we eat at McGuire’s Irish Pub.  We decided to visit there after seeing Borepatch.  All I can say is, O.M.G.!!!  In spades!!!  I’ve never in my life seen portions of food so large, or such good value for money.  It’s not gourmet food, but pub-style in very large quantities and very well prepared.  Between the two of us, Miss D. and myself brought home enough leftovers for at least two good-size meals here at home, plus what we ate at the restaurant.  It’s an amazing place, and I think we’re going to have to try to fit in another meal there before we leave.  (We still haven’t paid a return visit to the Naval Aviation Museum, so one day next week we’ll head back to Pensacola to kill two birds with one visit – to mangle a metaphor.)  One of my readers has also asked to meet up in P’cola, so we’ll see about including that in our itinerary.

We think we’ve recovered from lunch by now.  We’re going to buy a couple of belly boards, and see how we manage them in the surf.  Between Miss D.’s graunched knee and my fused spine, both of us find walking across soft sand both difficult and painful, but once in the water it’s much easier.  We’ll see how things go.

I’ll put up more blog posts later tonight.  Until then, say a prayer for Borepatch, who’ll be traveling home tomorrow or the next day as a passenger in a rented car.  With all those broken ribs, I can’t think it’s going to be a very comfortable journey!



  1. April this year me an a Opossum had an argument a little before 5AM as I was going to work on my motorcycle. I too had a Broken clavicle, busted ribs, minor road rash and a cracked motorcycle helmet. I do NOT wish the next few months of his day to day pain on ANYBODY!

    Thanks for the heads up the Pub. I need to get back up to Pcola myself and that sounds like the perfect place to visit. 🙂

  2. feelin' the sadz for Brother Borepatch…hoping they patch him
    and his bike up good as new. Glad he remembered his helmet….it hurts a lot more when you don't.

  3. We were over there a couple of weeks ago. Had a great time. Was a little unnerving to watch a five foot shark swim between me and my missus. Surf was up and it was entertaining watching the surfers. Too old and decrepit to try to learn myself. Did not make it to McGuire's, though it was on my list.

  4. Since I can't comment over at BP's place, I'll take the liberty of using your blog (with many thanks, Peter) to pass along my hopes for the speediest of recoveries. Even though we heal quicker when young, this kind of pain lasts too long at any age. Glad it wasn't any worse, Borepatch, and realize it happens to all of us.

  5. Motorcycles are the one machine that are protected from damage by a crumple-zone furnished by the rider's body.

  6. Glad you got to see him, I'm sure that brightened his (bad) day! And McGuire's is an institution… 🙂

  7. I've had a few belly-landings and asphalt-surfing episodes, enough to go ride in the dirt for a while instead of the traffic – but it was friends injuries that thinned the riding herd more than anything. I wish him well and hope this isn't the end to it because the sport is marvelously mental and rewarding.
    And jokes are one thing but a cough and cold can be even more trying!

  8. "Seriously, though, he was very fortunate. It could have been a lot worse."

    Yes. Imagine if he had been kilted.

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