1. @Kirkster: With a little luck, it's less than 2 weeks away now – 3 at the most. Keep your fingers crossed for me! I'll post an update on the blog tonight.

  2. Delicate touch there. It is actually easy to rip the blade off the dozers. Their mountings are designed for pus, not pull.

  3. I was thinking the same about the blades and damage. oddly enough, the "still" picture that shows on your blog is a russian excavator burried deep in flowing wet mud. But when i hit play, it goes to the two dozers rescued by the excavator.


  4. Yeah, filmed in IL, right across the river from St Louis (you can see the Arch in the background at the 0:03 – 0:04 sec mark), titled in Russian, and the still picture is a Komatsu excavator buried up to the cab.

    Gotta love Youtube.

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