You lost your cellphone WHERE???

The Telegraph has published a highly amusing article about insurance claims submitted for the loss of cellphones.  Here are a few of my favorites:

1. A farmer in Devon claimed his phone had disappeared inside the back end of one of his cows when heโ€™d been using the torch [flashlight] on his iPhone whilst assisting the cow during calving. The phone later made an appearance, but was damaged.

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4. A woman in her late 20s from Bristol claimed the vibration function on her BlackBerry Bold 9900 phone had stopped working whilst she was using it as an adult toy.

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8. A pyrotechnician was setting up a show for the National Fireworks Championships in Plymouth, and having left his iPhone 3GS within the “blast zone”, it was nowhere to be found when he returned post-show, having been fired 3,000 feet into the air before exploding in a stunning display.

There’s more at the link.

That cow story just boggles my mind.  I mean . . . how close do you have to hold the darn flashlight to see what’s going on?  (And I say that as someone who’s delivered three babies in the backs of ambulances in South Africa in my younger days!)


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