We’ve held two raffles for AR-15 pistols in recent months; but they’ve been of limited interest to handgun fans, who’ve asked for a raffle to satisfy their interests, too. All right, here we go!
I’m offering at least one, and possibly two prizes this time around. Previously, I’d sold a maximum of 100 tickets for the raffle, at $25 apiece. However, this time round, there’s a lot of interest from the handgun crowd, meaning there may be demand for more than 100 tickets. If so, I’ll sell up to 200, and raffle two guns, with two winners to be drawn. That way, the odds of winning will still be the same, or better if 200 tickets aren’t sold. The first winner drawn will have their choice of the prizes; the second winner drawn (if more than 100 tickets are sold) will get the remaining prize. Sound fair?
The prizes are:
- A Glock 45 Gen5 MOS pistol, plus a Swampfox Optics Kingslayer reflex sight that can be mounted on the slide cutout.
- A Glock 19 Gen5 pistol, with no reflex sight, but 200 rounds of ball and 50 rounds of hollow-point defensive ammunition, so that the total package is the same value as the first.
Both firearms are from my personal collection, and have seen minimal use – basically, just enough to confirm fit and function. They’ll come in the original factory box.
The same rules will be followed that applied for the first and second raffles, namely:
Needless to say, all laws, rules and regulations will be followed. If you live in Texas and are within easy driving distance of the Wichita Falls area (my nearest big city), we can do a face-to-face transfer; otherwise, the firearm will be shipped to your Federal Firearms License dealer and transferred there, complete with background check. Please don’t ask me to break the law, because I won’t. I’ve been a prison chaplain, so I already know how unpleasant life behind bars can be – and you don’t want to find out.
I can’t use PayPal for this raffle, because the company has a rule against using their services for firearms-related transactions. Therefore, please send cash or a US Post Office money order (no private checks, please – they may take too long to clear) to:
Peter Grant
P O Box 897
Iowa Park, TX 76367Make sure you include your own name, address, phone number and e-mail, please.
Entries must be received by or on July 20th, 2021. You can buy multiple tickets if you wish; just send the appropriate amount for the number you want, at $25 each. Even if 100 tickets haven’t been sold, the winner will be drawn on July 21st, 2021; and, if over 100 tickets are sold, I’ll draw two winners on that date. I’ll notify the winner(s) at once by e-mail and telephone, and let the first select the preferred prize; the second will get the other prize. I won’t publish his/her/their name(s) here unless they’ll allow that, due to privacy concerns.
This is the last raffle I expect to hold this year. You’ve helped pay a chunk of my medical bills (left over from my 2019 heart attack and recent bout with COVID-19) with your support for the first two, and I’m very grateful to all who participated. I hope this raffle will keep my handgun-preferring fans happy, and also pay off the rest of the bills.
Thanks again.
Dear Peter,
I don't really need another pistol, but I'm happy to help out with you medical bills. If I win, great, otherwise it's going to a good cause.
I greatly enjoy your blog and read it every day. I have learned a lot and thank you for that. SO —
How much are the tickets?
And may I send a lump sum if I want more than one, or do the entries have to be separate?
Virginia Granny
Culpeper, VA
@Virginia Granny: ACK!!! I hadn't realized I forgot to include the price. I'm an idiot! Thanks for asking.
Tickets are $25 apiece, but only 100 will be sold per raffle, making the odds of winning rather better than in most such contests. A lump sum is fine if you want multiple tickets.
Also, who pays for shipping and the FFL fees (they can be steep around here)?
Virginia Granny
I'll bump this Friday to get some more interest.
@Virginia Granny: I pay for shipping. You cover any fees for your FFL.
Looks like another money order will be heading your way soon from me, Peter.
Always great to help out for a good cause and a chance at some goodies
Can the same person win both?
@Stephen: No, if someone wins the first raffle, his/her name won't be in the drawing for the second.