1. Kindness for good people is never wasted.

    Proverbs 19:17
    Kindness to the poor is a loan to the LORD, and He will repay the lender.

    Hebrews 6:10
    For God is not unjust. He will not forget your work and the love you have shown for His name as you have ministered to the saints and continue to do so.

    Jesus is the reason for the season

  2. Several of our nurses have adopted patients' pets when they either pass, or can no longer care for them. Before the remodeling, we used to sometimes sneak them up the back stairs for goodbyes…

  3. Being a cat lover(nothing against dogs, mind you), I go to cat oriented sites such as Love Meow and others, and You Tube has a lot of nice cat rescue stories. I find it a nice change of pace after reading political blogs and news, various gaming sites for the wargaming figures I build and paint, knowing that there are good men and women who don't need to be killed in horrifying ways; there are actually a few good people out there.
    Got to go; I'm working on figures for Warhammer 40K, whose motto is "In the far future, there is no time for peace!"

  4. When my wife was hospitalized with hip fractures, I was given an explicit order from her doctor: "You bring Rosie (our Golden Retriever) in here to visit". We did just that, and Rosie was thrilled to jump right up in the bed with her.
    There are many such good people in the medical world, all simply trying to survive our current state of tyranny. We continue to hope and pray for the collapse of the dictatorial regimes.

  5. I'll bet that having his dog around and knowing that it is being cared for has done a lot for his emotional state of being which will probably help with his overall recovery. Kudos to this nurse!

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