Here are the rest of my links from the past couple of weeks. I put up most of them in Part 1 of this article this morning.
CenTexTim dedicates a special song to his second ex-wife.
I’ve got some painful dental work due tomorrow, so his ‘Sunday Funnies‘ this morning, dealing with dentists, was peculiarly appropriate. This one in particular made me wince.
A man walks into the dentist’s office and after the dentist examines him, he says, “that tooth has to come out. I’m going to give you a shot of Novocain and I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
The man grabs the dentist’s arm, “no way. I hate needles I’m not having any shot!”
So the dentist says, “okay, we’ll have to go with the gas.”
The man replies, “absolutely not. It makes me very sick for a couple of days. I’m not having gas.”
So the dentist steps out and comes back with a glass of water, “here,” he says. “Take this pill.”
The man asks “What is it?”
The doc replies, “Viagra.”
The man looks surprised, “will that kill the pain?” he asks.
“No,” replies the dentist, “but it will give you something to hang on to while I pull your tooth!”
Bubblehead Les makes some good points about ammunition supply and stocking up, following a similar point I made last week.
Francis Porretto discusses what he calls ‘strifings‘ – the increased dissension within the US body politic caused by the migration of affairs from the private to the public forum. Here’s a brief excerpt.
Politics is strife. Every subject that becomes a political subject therefore becomes a battlefield as well.
It’s not hard to see the dynamic. Let some subject be politicized: for example, the physical sustenance of persons who can’t support themselves, a.k.a. “the poor.” What follows from the decision that this is properly a responsibility of some government?
. . .
Each of these [elements] will become a subject of contention in the polity that’s been charged with the decisions. Given that a political decision inherently creates “winners” and “losers,” we may expect the losers to fight to reverse the decision and the “winners” to labor to solidify and enlarge their gains.
Now apply that dynamic to a society in which nothing is deemed a private matter — where all personal choices and all modes and manners of interaction with others, regardless of motivations are considered political, at least potentially. Over what shall we not quarrel?
There’s more at the link. Thought-provoking reading.
Wirecutter posted his rules of civility – what he expects from others in terms of respect for himself, his family and his property. He sometimes comes across as abrasive, but I expect that if I didn’t get similar civility from others, I might get a bit that way, too.
He followed that post a couple of days later with a link to a theory of social interaction I’d heard before – ‘The Rules Of Sewage‘. It was a fairly well-known meme in Southern Africa during my earlier years. I was glad to be reminded of it.
Both articles are well worth reading, and pondering. Why is it that we’ve moved so far away from the norms of civility in which we were raised? I know that if I behaved less than civilly towards anyone, unless they thoroughly deserved it, my Dad would have administered a thorough thrashing to remind me of my place and the standards he required me to observe. Nowadays that would get him arrested: but frankly, I think I’m a better person for it. (Yes, I know, that’s a matter of opinion . . . )
The Lonely Libertarian links to an article about new ACORN affiliates in the border States. Taking it in tandem with the article from the Silicon Graybeard linked in Part 1 of this article, it certainly looks as if the whole swarm of illegal aliens crossing our borders has been orchestrated by the same assholes that were trying to organize millions of fraudulent votes a couple of elections ago. Looks like leopards don’t change their spots when they’re exposed – they just go underground and emerge with a different disguise.
That’s all from my meanderings around the blogosphere over the past couple of weeks. More soon!
Good ones, thanks!
I got the "opportunity" of watching sewage ruin a great small company some years ago. The individual's corruption seeped into everything he touched, and I eventually left. Six months later he indirectly caused three deaths, through practices that he tolerated (bending one rule, then bending a second, and . . .)
I would add this excerpt from wirecutter, detailing the start of the scheme.
It was all part of the plan – Mexico and Guatemala to fast track illegal aliens
NEW YORK – Mexico and Guatemala have reached an agreement that is intended to make it easier and safer for Central Americans, including unaccompanied minors, to enter the United States illegally.
Though largely unreported in the U.S. mainstream media, the two nations agreed on July 7, in a presidential-level meeting in Mexico, to make it legal and safe for Central American immigrants, including unaccompanied minors, to cross Mexico’s border with Guatemala and transit Mexico en route to the U.S. border at the Rio Grande.
The agreement apparently does not recognize that the result of such trips – entry into the United States – remains illegal.
So you have illegals fast tracked from Central America thru Mexico, being met by buses and transported thru the country, and then dropped in a states without notification to the Governor who should be involved. I have wondered if it isn't an attempt to turn Red states 'Purple', because I've read that some of the "17 year olds" have gray hair. And we know that election illegalities are easy for the Democrats.
Sewage – the version I've heard involves a cask of fine wine and a cup of sewage.
I think it's very pithy, in the way quotes that survive for decades tend to be.
I suspect a modernised version would involve swimming pools; "it doesn't matter how small his bladder is, once someone's pissed in the pool everyone else gets out" or something along those lines.
Though I can speak from personal experience that sometimes they just laugh it off.
Thank you for including my essay!