Having missed an Around The Blogs entry last weekend, there are a lot of links to be included today; so I’m going to do it in two parts. Look for the second this evening or tomorrow, depending on how my day goes.
The Silicon Graybeard discovers that the so-called ‘Baptist Child and Family Services’ that was supposed to get a $50 million contract from the US government to convert an unused resort into accommodation for illegal alien children is . . . wait for it . . . nothing more than a reincarnation of the thoroughly discredited ACORN. It looks like the whole thing was nothing more than a nefarious scheme to funnel taxpayer money to an ultra-progressive, undemocratic political pressure group.
So much for the government being here to help us. Looks like the far Left are treating government as being here so they can help themselves – to our money!
Karl Denninger points out that while the economics of diesels in small vehicles appear outwardly attractive, “the problem is that today the financial aspect of diesel ownership simply doesn’t make any sense. The culprit comes from two elements that turn on intentional design decisions of the manufacturers … I speak specifically of the decision to design fuel injection systems that have failure modes that inevitably cascade through the entire fuel system, along with emissions decisions that are utterly destructive to vehicle value.” He goes into detail about both issues, and raises important questions. If you’re considering buying a diesel-engined vehicle for typical commuting and consumer use, you really should read what he has to say.
Jeff Soyer notes that a major study on gun violence is missing a key word.
This article appeared a couple of weeks ago, but is very relevant given current events in Gaza. American Mercenary takes a look at Israel’s Iron Dome defensive system, and observes that “In terms of creating a lasting peace, being on the defensive is a losing proposition.”
Doug Ross describes how he’d conduct a Presidential campaign if he were Ted Cruz. I agree with him, on the grounds that it’d shake up the ‘usual suspects’ as few other things would! It’d thoroughly annoy (not to mention frighten) both the Republican and Democratic party establishments – something worth doing in itself, irrespective of Presidential ambitions.
Wirecutter has dire suspicions about a traffic accident. He also reveals himself to be a caring soul . . . sort of.
Sarah Hoyt asks, “Who are you gonna believe?” Her article’s a searing indictment of the way in which the truth is “spun” by journalists, politicians and interest groups. She makes it clear that it’s our responsibility to dig through all that dross to find the nuggets. Recommended reading, as are the comments from respondents.
Through a link I was reminded of the Anarchangel’s 2009 warning about not messing with Finland or the Finns. Nothing’s changed to make that any less dangerous a pastime! Chris also warns of the danger of ‘Welfare Towns and Equilibrium Traps‘. Both articles are worth reading.
Arbroath brings us the sad tale of a man who thought he was slapping a possum, but it turned out to be a porcupine. I bet he won’t make that mistake again!
Massad Ayoob informs us of a new training resource for the snubnose revolver. I’m definitely interested, although I’m going to wait for the next, longer edition to come out. I often carry a snubbie myself, and I know how difficult it is to shoot one well, so any help in the matter will always be gratefully received.
DaddyBear remembers things he’s seen and experienced, and concludes: “… the more you learn about how horrible the world truly is, the more you will come to appreciate the parts that are wonderful. That knowledge will show you just how important it is to protect and defend those things that bring light to a very dark existence.” True words, those.
In similarly contemplative vein, Sgt. Mom reminds us of the existence of TWANLOC‘s, and notes that: “The anger at the TWANLOC ruling class … is building. When it will come to a full boil – in that the anger will be expressed in more than comments, editorials, blog-posts and radio-call in shows – and in response to what kind of provocation is anyone’s guess.” I agree with her. (The group blog to which she contributes, Chicago Boyz, looks interesting. I must spend some more time there and see whether it makes it onto my daily reading list.)
Earthbound Misfit reminds us of the joys – and hazards – of coffee . . . and Robb Allen provides personal testimony to corroborate her words!
Low Dog On The Totem Pole links to an article about a home-made solar space heating system, which in turn links to Version 2 of that system, considerably enlarged and improved. Both look very interesting and extremely practical. Recommended reading for those handy with basic tools.
He also brings us numerous accolades to an (over)enthusiastic deli worker. I think I may have met that guy at our local Wal-Mart . . .
Charles Hugh Smith offers a grimly realistic response to our current economic woes.
Finally, The Smallest Minority brings us proof positive that Kirk was here.
That’s all for the first part of this article. Look for the second part this evening or tomorrow, depending on how much time I can free up.
All good ones, thanks!
Sorry to hear about the diesel design changes. I have a VW diesel and love it. It's not ready to replace yet (I hope) and it looks like I'll be doing my best to keep it on the road even longer, hopefully until these stupid design changes are undone.
Mr. Pusher Man,
I've finished the third book in the Maxwell Saga. Well written and entertaining if deficient in the esoterica of maritime culture. That aside, I need my fix man!
Thanks for the linkage.
I was thinking of getting a small car with a diesel and have moaned long and loud at the absence of a smaller truck with a diesel on the market. Guess I'll stop now.
I think the world needs more Shanes. Sounds like he has my kind of sense of humor.
Thanks for the link!
If Ted Cruz ran a campaign like that, I'd be a supporter. Bolton, Rand, AND West? Shish – we'd have to institutionalize most of the senate during confirmation hearings, and the media would have lots of splody-heads and seizures.