Blogorado bound

Miss D. and I will be heading out tomorrow for the annual Blogorado gun-blogger rendezvous at a secret hideout in Colorado.  We’ll take our time getting there, visiting friends and family;  spend the Columbus Day weekend shooting, eating, drinking and talking far too much with our buddies;  and make our leisurely way homewards via a southern route and visiting more friends.  We’re both of us looking forward to it.  I reckon I’m recovered enough from my adventures with kidney stones to be able to enjoy it.

Blogging will continue from the road, but may be less frequent at times, depending on whether or not I have access to the Internet.  I’ll put up posts when I can, and probably schedule a few to pop up at times when I know I’ll be out of touch.  If you don’t find something here to amuse you, please read the blogs in my sidebar.  (A number of their authors will be in Colorado too, I’m afraid!)

Say a prayer for us now and again for traveling mercies.  We’ll see you on the road.



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