Bombs in Belgium

So ISIL has done it again.  According to news reports as I write these words, more than 20 people have been killed and dozens injured in bomb explosions in Belgium, almost certainly in retaliation for the arrest of Salah Abdeslam and the killing of one of his accomplices there last week.

I’m very surprised that the suburb of Molenbeek in Brussels, long known to be a hotbed of fundamentalist Islamic tendencies and support for terrorism, has not been ‘cleaned out’ yet by security forces.  I suppose that’s European political correctness at work, as the Canadian Globe & Mail pointed out last year.  (Bold, underlined text is my emphasis.)

After the [Paris] attacks, the world’s media descended on the Muslim neighbourhood of Molenbeek in order to probe the causes of the problem. They found that Belgium is a mess – a tangle of overlapping and warring political factions that are completely unable to manage the country’s security issues. This fragmentation is also cited as a major barrier to Muslim integration. Disaffected young people can’t develop a Belgian identity, because there isn’t one.

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The belief that the modern progressive state can socially engineer its way to harmony – if only it tries hard enough – is a dangerous delusion.

Another view of Belgium is offered by Teun Voeten, a photographer who witnessed the aftermath of the Paris massacre. He lived in Molenbeek for nine years, but was eventually driven out by crime, disorder and intolerance. Places to buy alcohol disappeared, and Islamic bookshops spread. “Nowhere was there a bar or café where white, black and brown people would mingle,” he wrote on Politico. “Instead, I witnessed petty crime, aggression, and frustrated youths who spat at our girlfriends and called them ‘filthy whores.’ ” The Jewish shops, which were terrorized by young kids, moved away. So did openly gay people, who were harassed in the streets.

Mr. Voeten agrees that the messy state is a problem. But the more important factor is Belgium’s culture of denial. “The country’s political debate has been dominated by a complacent progressive elite who firmly believes society can be designed and planned. … The debate is paralyzed by a paternalistic discourse in which radical Muslim youths are seen, above all, as victims of social and economic exclusion. Most people in Molenbeek are decent people who want the best for their families. But we should not close our eyes to the fact that it is also home to a very deep and very dangerous undercurrent of radical Islamism.

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Why are so many home-grown young Muslims (as well as a few converts) attracted to such a virulent form of faith? The common liberal answer is because they feel excluded. That answer strikes me as pathetically inadequate. A better answer would include a quest for meaning and purpose in a secular, postmodern world, and the attraction of an absolutist faith that offers certainty, structure and a chance for martyrdom and glory.

Job training and better transit aren’t going to fix that problem.

The attacks in Paris were a watershed. This time the terrorists’ targets were not cartoonists, Jews, or people openly critical of Islam, but anyone who happened to be in range. The target was secular society itself. And in its aftermath, many more people are daring to openly question whether some values simply cannot be reconciled with Western values. For all its faults and flaws, Europe is not the problem.

There’s more at the link.

The Paris attacks in November last year revealed a high degree of technological sophistication on the part of the terrorists.  That sophistication has enabled their accomplices to respond rapidly to last week’s arrests by conducting further acts of terrorism at short notice.  A French police analysis of last year’s attacks shows how they probably did it.  Here’s an excerpt from a news report.  (Again, bold, underlined text is my emphasis.)

Investigators have come to realise that the Paris attackers, sent by the Islamic State’s external operations wing, were well-versed in a range of terrorism tactics – like suicide vests, gunmen in various locations and hostage-taking – to hamper the police response, the report shows. They have exploited weaknesses in Europe’s border controls to slip in and out undetected, and worked with a high-quality forger in Belgium to acquire false documents.

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French officials have repeatedly warned citizens that more attacks are possible, saying security and intelligence officials cannot track all the Europeans travelling to and from Islamic State strongholds in Syria and Iraq. And western intelligence officials say their working assumption is that additional Islamic State terrorism networks are already in Europe, with more being formed.

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The [Paris] attacks marked a subtle shift in the Islamic State’s external operations branch, which was first publicised in the group’s French-language online magazine, Daral-Islam, last March. In the previous small-scale attacks, the Islamic State, much like al-Qaeda before it, had taken aim at symbolic targets, including police and military installations and establishments with clear links to Israel or Jewish interests, like the Jewish Museum in Brussels. But in an interview published in the online magazine, a senior operative for the Islamic State, described as the godfather of French jihadis, advised his followers to abandon the symbolism. “My advice is to stop looking for specific targets. Hit everyone and everything,” he said.

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New phones linked to the assailants at the stadium and the restaurant [in Paris] also showed calls to Belgium in the hours and minutes before the attacks, suggesting a rear base manned by a web of still unidentified accomplices. Security camera footage showed Bilal Hadfi, the youngest of the assailants, as he paced outside the stadium, talking on a cellphone. The phone was activated less than an hour before he detonated his vest. From 8.41pm until just before he died at 9.28pm, the phone was in constant touch with a phone inside the rental car being driven by Abaaoud. It also repeatedly called a cellphone in Belgium.

Again, more at the link.

Europe is simply going to have to learn – if necessary the hard way – that one can’t treat terrorists as poor misguided children who only need to be shown the ‘right way’ in order to change.  One can certainly take steps to address imbalances in society, but religious fundamentalism is another thing entirely.  That can’t be reformed by political means.  (Europe has many examples of that reality, most recently the Northern Ireland ‘troubles’.)

There’s only one way to stop a terrorist – and that’s permanently.  Until Belgium (and all Europe) learns that lesson, and deals with its domestic terrorism problem accordingly, it’ll suffer more attacks.  What’s worse, unless and until such terrorism is dealt with comprehensively, it’ll engender an ever more vicious backlash against anything and anyone deemed (in popular opinion) to be associated with it.  In other words, Europeans are going to become less and less tolerant of all shades and forms of Islam.

As Tamara so aptly puts it, Europeans can go from ‘zero to jackboots‘ faster than you’d believe possible.  They’ve done so many times in the past . . . and I strongly suspect that ordinary Europeans (with or without the support of their current political leaders) are about to do so once more.



  1. Europeans can go from 'zero to jackboots' faster than you'd believe possible. They've done so many times in the past . . . and I strongly suspect that ordinary Europeans (with or without the support of their current political leaders) are about to do so once more.

    Keep dreaming. Nothing was done to check the Islamic invasion of Europe after the Paris terror attacks, nothing will be done now.

  2. I agree with Gerry – I wouldn't call them sophisticated; I would call them better organized, either with a local top down organization or with very large cells. Either one is actually a good thing for security forces since the larger a group is, the more likely it is that someone will turn informer or that the group can be infiltrated.
    But as you point out, the government has to put resources behind solving the problem, which first requires admitting there IS a problem.
    It was only a few years ago that Belgium went more than a year with no national government due to difficulties setting up a coalition government; I suspect that echoes of that still effect government operations, including security and intelligence.
    The way that many European countries ban or limit their opposition means it is unlikely we will see a different type of leader addressing these problems rise until the problems get much worse.
    In the US, Trump is the first person to attempt to address concerns like these at a national level; whether he will succeed if he gets elected is a different person (or even try – since we don't really know where he stands on many issues).
    The turmoil from 'refugees' in Germany and Austria has provoked many security concerns that could support the rise of a different type of leadership – and in both countries, the government is working to ban those who present a real challenge to their rule; unless the people's concerns are addressed, (for good or bad) a challenger WILL eventually succeed.

  3. Disaffected young people can’t develop a Belgian identity, because there isn’t one.

    This is why Belgium is the capitol of the EU. Any state with an identity would never have been acceptable to the others to become the capitol in fear that they would somehow impose their identity on the rest. Now we get to see if the mobocracy that is Belgium can organize to actually defend itself. I'm guessing probably not.

  4. … actually, is there something wrong with jackboots as such?

    I mean, properly made and treated European military-style jackboots can be very good boots. Will "break in" to fit your foot, with the right treatment are waterproof but slightly breathable, last longer than rubber wellingtons and are actually repairable, too…

    The political association has been the only problem with them, really.

  5. It would seem that Europe's leaders are hell bent on bringing down their own houses.

    In my view, until

    -1) They understand that Allah's followers are completely and totally incompatible with Christians and western civilization,

    -2) They remove from their midst ALL those who practice Islam and Sharia law within their borders, women and children no exception, and

    -3) Eradicate all traces of this "infidel" slaughtering religion – including mosques and schools – from their territories, none of this will stop.

    If this is allowed to continue, the end result will be that Christianity and our western civilization will be eradicated. They have been telling us that every damned day, and our idiot leaders can't seem to grasp the concept.

    IMO, one has only of two conclusions to choose when it comes to the intentions of these "leaders like Germany's Merkel and her enablers in Brussels as to their intentions:

    Either they are part and parcel in the Islamic goal to eliminate Christianity and all its adherents, or they are – for all their pride and privilege – incredibly stupid.

    And personally, I don't believe they are totally stupid. I believe they are feathering their own nests at our expense and peril, believing they will be able to retire in comfort and ease someplace where the Infidel destroyers won't touch them. In that they are indeed stupid.

    There will be war, and soon. And with people like Obama, Clinton and Cruz on our side, we will lose.

  6. The sophistication they mention is the complete and utter lack of electronic chatter before the Paris and now Belgium attacks. They're communicate by burner phone that's of limited use.

  7. ————What Bob said———-

    Either Western Civ removes moslems from their territories, or it eventually ceases to exist. And that "eventually" is going to happen a lot faster than the political idiots would guess. Frankly, I suspect that most of the current political class will cease to exist themselves. The only real question is whether it happens soon enough to fix the problem.
    They are not capable of stepping aside gracefully, with the clear thought that they are not a good match for the needed mental toughness that can respond to the current world situation. Time will tell.

  8. 'Why are so many home-grown young Muslims (as well as a few converts) attracted to such a virulent form of faith?'. It could be that this faith gives them some feeling of self-worth.

    After all, at one time, Islam was the leading source of education and development in the 'civilised' world. However, over the next 1400 years the rest of the world moved on and developed while the followers of Islam remained where they were, chained to its 'perfection'. Now they see themselves dependent on the decadent West for every innovation, all those technological things that make life easier. Every day, by their perception, those successes are rubbed in their faces.

    Our world is one of free-will, of having the ability to make choices, even if they turn out wrong. Theirs is constrained by comparatively few words, unchanged over centuries. Given their faith is one of conquest by violence, is it surprising that the disaffected, undeveloped and frequently uneducated turn to something that encourages them to believe they are special?

  9. Yep. Couriers or burner phones, bought by the case, then tossed after use, makes their commo hard to pierce.
    One item you will probably disagree with me on, Peter, but here it is — ISIS is performing according to the Koran's dictates,by my reading, while the moderate, good-neighbor Muslims we can get along with, are in reality the apostates of Islam, in a straight up reading of their teachings.
    This explains WHY the moderates, mostly, are hesitant to condemn the Jihadists, as well as fear of being attacked themselves. It also reveals that at the core, this is a war of civilizations. It won't be won by negotiations, or settled by treaties.
    It will be win, or die. There can't be a middle ground when all your opponent will accept is you converting, or being put to the sword.

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