Book Two is up in e-book form – more to come

At last!  Book Two of the Maxwell Saga, ‘Ride The Rising Tide‘, is up on Amazon in e-book format.  Click the link, or the thumbnail picture of the cover in the sidebar, to be taken to its product page.  Print editions of both books are currently being prepared by CreateSpace (I uploaded the final files and details this morning), and should be live by early next week.  I’ll post details of them once that happens.

As for the first book, if my readers with blogs of their own will please be so kind as to let their readers know that Book 2 is available, I’ll be very grateful to you.  Thanks in advance for spreading the word!

OK – now I’ve got to get on with Book 3.  No peace for the wicked, so they do tell me . . .



  1. Congratulations! I Just got it. There goes my evening. Unfortunately, I read faster than you write.

  2. Just finished 1st read through and enjoyed it a lot.

    Two issues with ebook. First I was unable to access TOC from inside the book. The 'go to…' Table of contents was greyed out. Second near location 3951 an extra deterred appears in a sentence

    Will put up positive review on amazon

  3. @Mogrith: Thanks for the feedback! Very useful. I've asked Amazon about the table of contents problem, as it worked in the file I sent them.

    As for the duplicate 'deterred' . . . AAARGH! There always seems to be one duplicate somewhere! I proof-read so carefully, and had Miss D. do the same, but we missed that one. I'll fix it in a few days, when we've had a chance to receive further feedback and find any more problems.

  4. No peace for the wicked? That explains how a novella, started back in February, is now up to the second chapter of the 4th novel in the series.


  5. @LittleRed1: Not exactly. I started writing fiction in 2005, to 'learn the trade' (most of my early stuff will never be published). I began writing the Maxwell series five years ago, and have been honing it ever since. I wanted to build up a body of work almost ready for publication before I started to put it out there, so as to build up a presence in the market over a period of less than a year and build my 'fan base', for want of a better word.

    This year sees that strategy being implemented. There will be four books published at approximately two-month intervals. 'Take The Star Road' came out May 14th, and 'Ride The Rising Tide' on July 16th. My prison chaplaincy memoir, 'Walls, Wire, Bars and Souls' will come out on September 15th, all being well, and Maxwell Book 3 (currently in its third draft) will hopefully come out on or shortly after November 15th.

    Future books will, of course, be spaced further apart, as I haven't written them yet! I'll aim for at least two books a year, possibly three if all goes very well.

    However, I don't want to sacrifice quality on the altar of quantity. I have do do everything myself – writing, working with alpha and beta readers, proof-reading, editing, preparation of manuscripts for publishing, and so on. A traditional publisher would shoulder much of that burden, but I don't have that luxury. It takes a lot of time away from the creative process; but there's no help for it if I want to put out a professional product.

    Given that workload, two books a year may be the most I can manage. Of course, if a traditional publisher picks me up, that will free me to write more . . . but I don't know whether that will happen in today's market. We'll see.

  6. I stayed up late finishing it in once sitting. I really liked it. Once he got in the fleet, I was afraid Steve would turn into a Hornblower/Aubrey clone and I'm glad you haven't gone that route. I have all sorts of questions and I'm looking forward to the next installment.

  7. Hi Peter,

    Downloaded it late last night and am reading it. Enjoying it immensely. Keep on writing;)

  8. I have it, and am looking forward to reading it! Exciting to get it only a week after I finished the first one.

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