Book update

Here’s a quick update for those wanting to know what’s happening with my forthcoming books.

I’m hard at work on revisions to my Western novel.  It’s an interesting experience working with an editor for a publisher – something I haven’t done before.  I’m learning a lot, and enjoying it.  I’ve promised to send the corrected manuscript to him by the end of next week, God willing, and publication should follow shortly thereafter.  I’m excited, particularly at the prospect of more books in the series if it sells well.

Maxwell Volume 5 is also progressing, albeit on the back burner for a few weeks while I hurriedly get the Western in order.  I anticipate publishing it sometime in June – again, God willing.  Laredo Volume 3 will follow, hopefully in September or October.

I’m very hard at work, but enjoying it after the hiatus during the second half of last year caused by my problems with kidney stones.  Allow me to assure you, creative writing while writhing in agony and under the influence of some pretty strong pain-killers . . . let’s just say it ain’t creative, and there’s not much writing!



  1. Looking forward to the western. I've always had an interest in the period and am also a reenactor of the same so I'm interested in seeing how this turns out. You seem to be trying to keep things authentic, and that's good. Too many writers in the genre seem to base their west on that of the spaghetti westerns of the 60s when a better model would be the writings of Elmer Kelton. If you've never read any of his books, he is highly recommended. sadly, he is gone now. A Texan himself, he wrote primarily about Texas and his novels could be set anytime from the 1820s to the present day. Some years back, the Western Writers of America conducted a poll of members of the greatest writers in the genre. Kelton came in #1.

  2. Excellent. 🙂 Glad it's planned to be coming out relatively soon. I'll be watching closely for it.

  3. OK, Peter, way past time for you to quit wasting time on frivolous hobbies like eating and sleeping and GET THE MAXWELL BOOK OUT!!! ( just kidding). looking forward greatly to both the western and Maxwell volumes.

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