Bureaucrats! GRRRR!

Utah Senator Mike Lee posted this picture on Facebook today, with the following caption:

Behold my display of the 2013 Federal Register. It contains over 80,000 pages of new rules, regulations, and notices all written and passed by unelected bureaucrats. The small stack of papers on top of the display are the laws passed by elected members of Congress and signed into law by the president.

Uh-huh.  Regulations enacted by often faceless and nameless bureaucrats, accountable in practice to nobody, binding on all of us.  Is it any wonder this country sinks deeper into the mire under such burdens with every passing day?



  1. This is an excellent illustration of why electing a small-government President and majority in both houses of Congress would have little or no effect on the growth of government. The regulatory, permanent bureaucracy will go on promulgating more and more ways for us peasants to get into trouble with the federal law enforcement agencies.

  2. Juvat,

    What, exactly, would you have Senator Lee do? He's only one of 100 Senators and in the minority party at that.

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