California gun owners need your help

Courtesy of an e-mail from the Second Amendment Foundation, we learn of a Kickstarter fund-raising effort to produce a movie about the battle for the Second Amendment in California.

Assaulted – The Fight To Bear Arms

When the subject of California’s gun control laws are discussed, rarely are they associated with the civil rights movement and the quest for equal rights for all. This film will compare the historical aspects of gun control targeting the indigenous tribes of North America and emancipated slaves through the Jim Crow era to today’s laws that favor elitists and denies the rights guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment to the most vulnerable in our society.

The film takes a critical look at the original intent of the current California guns laws in contrast with crime and murder statistics before and since their implementation; and compares these laws to those of the adjacent states. Story threads also look at the myriad of concealed carry permitting processes across the state to illustrate that not all residents are treated equal.

There’s more at the link.

I think this effort is very worthy of support.  Those of us in relatively firearms-friendly jurisdictions often fail to understand how burdensome (and potentially dangerous to their safety) are the restrictions faced by residents of states like California.  I’d like to ask those of my readers who value their Second Amendment rights to please consider contributing to this fund-raising effort, and/or to the Second Amendment Foundation in general.  They put your money to good use.


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