“Every single nation is getting pounded down, because of globalist extra-national interests”

  Some weeks ago I wrote an article titled “A totalitarian onslaught against freedom on a worldwide scale“.  In it, I said: There are so many signs of organization behind the current chaos and disorder in the world that I’m forced to the conclusion it’s not actually chaos and disorder at all.  It’s enemy action: … Continue reading “Every single nation is getting pounded down, because of globalist extra-national interests”

A totalitarian onslaught against freedom on a worldwide scale

  Novelist Ian Fleming had his James Bond character opine, “Once is happenstance;  twice is coincidence;  three times is enemy action”.  That’s a yardstick that’s been used by many organizations to assess what’s going on in the world, whether at war (as Fleming did when he worked for a British military intelligence organization during World… Continue reading A totalitarian onslaught against freedom on a worldwide scale

Lessons learned from the Canadian “Freedom Convoy”

  American Mind has published a very interesting survey, by a participant and leader, of the results of the “Freedom Convoy” in Canada.  It’s titled “For Whom the Horns Honk“.  A lot of the “lessons learned” can be applied to practical politics in the USA as well, so it’s worth reading carefully. The streets of… Continue reading Lessons learned from the Canadian “Freedom Convoy”

“Courage to change what must be altered”

  Most of us are familiar with the Serenity Prayer authored by Reinhold Niebuhr.  It’s usually cited as follows: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,courage to change the things I can,and wisdom to know the difference. However, the earliest known version of the prayer (dating back to 1937) reads… Continue reading “Courage to change what must be altered”

“Indoctrination into tyranny”

  That’s what the Rutherford Institute calls the slow, steady erosion of our civil liberties and human rights by the “establishment”. Remember, authoritarian regimes begin with incremental steps: overcriminalization, surveillance of innocent citizens, imprisonment for nonviolent—victimless—crimes, etc. Bit by bit, the citizenry finds its freedoms being curtailed and undermined for the sake of national security.… Continue reading “Indoctrination into tyranny”

Civil rights during a crackdown? What civil rights?

  I’ve had conversations with a number of readers during the past few days.  It started with their being unhappy that I won’t acknowledge or go into detail about 9/11 conspiracy theories.  (Turns out that those who believe in such theories – and it is almost a religious belief, because they won’t listen to, or… Continue reading Civil rights during a crackdown? What civil rights?

If you stand beneath a jackboot, you’re likely to get squished

  I’m sure many of my readers have seen publicity for a proposed demonstration in Washington D.C. on September 18th. Far right extremist groups, including the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, are planning to attend a September 18 rally at the U.S. Capitol to demand “justice” for the hundreds of people who have been charged… Continue reading If you stand beneath a jackboot, you’re likely to get squished

A warning for America: Australia used to be free

  For a great free democracy, Australia has sunk so far into the depths that one has to wonder whether freedom and democracy have any place in its future at all.  Bold, underlined text is my emphasis. Before 2020, the idea of Australia all but forbidding its citizens from leaving the country, a restriction associated… Continue reading A warning for America: Australia used to be free

Weaponizing illegal migration

  After the disputed August 2020 elections in Belarus, followed by a crackdown against political dissidents in that country, Lithuania supported efforts by pro-democracy groups.  In response, the autocratic regime of Belarus president Alexander Lukashenko has retaliated against Lithuania – and against the European Union, of which Lithuania is a member and which has also… Continue reading Weaponizing illegal migration

Lessons to learn from the Afrikaner controversy

  It’s been an enlightening few weeks. On June 15th, in response to a panegyric that was so over-the-top it was nauseating, I published an article titled “No, the Afrikaners were NOT ‘The Heroic White Tribe of Africa’ “.  To say that it attracted negative feedback is an understatement.  From the attacks launched in the… Continue reading Lessons to learn from the Afrikaner controversy