From an article in the American Spectator titled “An Elegy for the FBI“: Thanks to the raid of Trump’s home, the FBI is not only faced with having lost the confidence and cooperation of almost half of America. It has also transformed itself into a despised moral leper colony — a painted, hagged out,… Continue reading Quote of the week
Tag: Police
A school shooting successfully stopped – but the mainstream media ignore it
I’ve only just become aware of this report from June this year. It seems to have been ignored by the mainstream news media – probably because it had a happy ending, instead of turning into a tragedy. Duncanville police said no children were hurt when an armed man entered the facility where a summer camp… Continue reading A school shooting successfully stopped – but the mainstream media ignore it
The end times are upon us! – law enforcement edition
I thoroughly enjoy cartoonist Stephan Pastis‘ sense of humor. Here’s one from a couple of weeks ago that made me giggle – and it put prepping for disasters in its place. Click the image to be taken to a larger version at the “Pearls Before Swine” Web page. Shades of Joseph Heller and “Catch-22“!… Continue reading The end times are upon us! – law enforcement edition
An FBI whistleblower alleges abuses
I highly recommend paying close attention to an FBI whistleblower’s case as it unfolds. The New York Post reports: Bombshell allegations by FBI Special Agent Steve Friend contained in a whistleblower complaint filed late Wednesday with the Department of Justice inspector general reveal a politicized Washington, DC, FBI field office cooking the books to… Continue reading An FBI whistleblower alleges abuses
“Lies, Damn Lies, And Police Interrogations”
That’s the title of a recent video by the Armed Attorneys, Richard Hayes and Emily Taylor. I think it’s particularly important viewing in the light of partisan District Attorneys and police administrators in many jurisdictions in the USA. I’ve written about that problem extensively in the past, particularly in these two articles: Self-defense under… Continue reading “Lies, Damn Lies, And Police Interrogations”
What do you expect, after you’ve defunded the police?
Clearly, the liberals and progressives who’ve embraced defunding and inhibiting the police and other emergency services didn’t think about how – or whether – they would be able to do their jobs with less funding. New York City first responders are taking longer to get to fires, medical emergencies and crimes in progress. Critics… Continue reading What do you expect, after you’ve defunded the police?
True dat
A few days ago, Murtaza Hussain of the Intercept tweeted: He’s absolutely right, of course. We saw in World War II how some of the most “civilized” nations on earth degenerated into murderous slaughter machines, killing millions on the grounds that they were “subhuman” or “degenerate”. Those states’ “civilization” was no more than skin… Continue reading True dat
A blue-on-blue oopsie…
I had to laugh at this video clip. In England, traffic wardens are equipped with clamps to immobilize vehicles that park illegally. The traffic warden below had obviously had enough with scofflaws in police uniform, so . . . The thin blue line just got a bit squiggly, if you ask me! Peter
Armed tax “special agents”? Yes, they’re a thing.
There’s been a furore in news and social media about an Internal Revenue Service recruitment ad for “IRS Criminal Investigation Special Agent”. It’s since been pulled, but not before it had been archived: you can view the whole thing at this link. The part that gave people pause for thought is this: Major Duties:… Continue reading Armed tax “special agents”? Yes, they’re a thing.
Making money out of gun buybacks
I had to laugh at this picture, found on MeWe yesterday from a post on Twitter. Clickit to biggit. Apparently the offer was $150 for any gun handed in. That would, in theory, have brought in over $9,000, but the police haggled. According to a commenter on the thread: “Hey so we talked with… Continue reading Making money out of gun buybacks