Found on Gab. Clickit to biggit.
Isn’t that great? I don’t have a very “visual” imagination – mine’s more textual and linear, perhaps not surprising in a writer – but some people have the most amazing ability to pick up what you or I might consider trash, or flotsam and jetsam, and assemble a piece of art like this one. In doing so, they enrich all of us.
That is pretty and it took quite a while to do!
Goods floating on the surface of a body of water after a shipwreck or after being cast overboard to lighten the ship.
Goods that are cast overboard from a ship, especially in an attempt to lighten the ship, and that sink to the bottom of a body of water.
Unless they throw small rocks overboard on ships, or unless you were using the term in a more generalized sense, pretty sure this eagle is made of neither.
I am, of course, kidding.