Doofus Of The Day #1,002

A tip o’ the hat to Wirecutter for spotting this first.  Today’s award for Doofidity goes to the gardener responsible.

The fire department’s going to spank him (or her) so hard . . .



  1. Unless that's *not* an actual, municipal fire system-connected hydrant but is in fact simply an ornamental piece of ironwork . . .

  2. I foresee a visit by some strong gents with large wrenches and unhappy expressions. (They FD is doing the annual flush-n-test of the hydrants in town this week.)


  3. Any of the fireguys I know would trump all over those cactus, and throw heavy fire hose on everything else. Wouldn't be much left when they got done…

  4. I've never seen a hydrant that close to a house. Ours are all right on the edge of the street. Is that really a functional hydrant?

  5. Nothing whatsoever that a couple of minutes' "exercise" with a fire-axe or a Halligan tool can't take care of…

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