Doofus Of The Day #620

Today’s award goes to four young idiots people in Alaska.

After bailing [Jonathan Hill] out of jail in Palmer, four Anchorage residents kidnapped the man and demanded marijuana they said he’d stolen, Alaska State Troopers said.

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Just before 10 p.m., troopers were called to a fight at a Tesoro gas station at Mile 49 of the Parks Highway, just north of Wasilla city limits. The responding troopers took four people into custody: Jonathan Walls, 31, Jeffrey Ahvan, 24, Amone Mavaega, 20, and Katrina Walls, 26.

Jonathan Walls wanted to know what Hill had done with some marijuana Walls said Hill stole from him, troopers said. The investigators soon discovered the four Anchorage residents had paid for Hill’s bail, kidnapped him and a fight broke out when Hill tried to escape at the gas station.

The four suspects from Anchorage were arrested on kidnapping charges, and Ahvan and Jonathan Walls faces addition assault charges, troopers said.

There’s more at the link.

To add insult to injury, the four kidnappers are now in durance vile, whilst the man they bailed out of jail to kidnap is still free – because, after all, they paid his bail!  Talk about delicious irony . . . the only improvement would be if he walked in front of their jail cell, smoking their marijuana and blowing the smoke through the bars at them!


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