Doofus Of The Day #776

Today’s award goes to a failed and somewhat deceptive Arizona politician.

Scott Fistler didn’t have much luck as a Republican candidate. He lost a 2012 write-in campaign against U.S. Rep. Ed Pastor, then lost a 2013 bid for a Phoenix city council seat now held by Laura Pastor, Ed’s daughter.

All that could change, though, just like Fistler’s name and party registration.

After petitioning a state Superior Court last November and paying $319, Fistler now legally shares the name of the celebrated labor movement icon, Cesar Chavez. Earlier this year, Chavez (formerly Fistler) became a Democrat, and – before Ed Pastor announced his retirement from Congress – filed to run in the heavily Hispanic 7th Congressional District.

In his petition for a name change, Fistler wrote that he had “experienced many hardships because of my name.”

. . .

But the iconic labor leader isn’t even the only Chavez whose name is being used by the local Chavez campaign. The Chavez for Congress website is covered in photos showing demonstrators rallying for Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

There’s more at the link.

I’m torn.  On the one hand, such bizarre behavior (of which there are more details at the link) is indicative of possible mental health issues that should perhaps be addressed.  On the other hand, if the former Mr. Fistler is sane, he’s coming across as a sleazeball of the highest order.  In that case, one hopes the voters of Arizona’s 7th Congressional District will administer the ultimate rebuke and boot him as far from elected office as they possibly can.



  1. Hey Peter,

    Unfortunately I think he will win, many voters now are low information voters and they run on name recognition only. He also is running as a democrat, those voters tend to be dumber than stumps. He actually has pretty good odds of getting elected

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