Doofus Of The Day #824

Ye Gods and little fishes . . . An instant Doofus Award to everyone who pays to participate in this.

I suspect none of them have read First Corinthians, Chapter 13, verse 11:

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

(A tip o’ the hat to reader P. B. for forwarding the link.)



  1. They are hive dwellers. And that is what hive dwellers do. No reason to be surprised. On the other hand, if such a business were to succeed out in flyover country, then THAT would indeed be "Man bites dog!" news…

    And they have absolutely NO use for First Corinthians or any other from the Bible. The Koran, however, speaks to them, as does "Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health".

  2. A thousand dollars for five days…..
    As P. T. Barnam supposedly said,
    'Suckers, there's one born every minute'.

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