Doofus Of The Day #954

Today’s award goes to three hungry inebriates in Canada.

Two New Brunswick men have been arrested after allegedly going through a McDonald’s drive-thru on a couch.

Miramichi police said an officer spotted the couch, being towed behind an ATV, at 3:19 a.m. Thursday in the drive-thru.

“And when (the officer) put his lights on, of course he took off, the four-wheeler did, with the sofa still attached. But he left his two passengers from the sofa at the drive-thru,” Cpl. Lorri McEachern said Friday.

“The two passengers from the sofa, or the couch, or whatever you want to call it, were intoxicated.”

. . .

McEachern said it is illegal to tow a couch through a drive-thru, but the two men were wearing helmets.

“So obviously safety was somewhat important,” noted McEachern.

There’s more at the link. You can see a security video clip here of the couch and its two passengers being towed by the ATV.

What I want to know is, who wrote the law that made it “illegal to tow a couch through a drive-thru”?  Is that a regular problem in the Atlantic provinces of Canada?  Also, I’ve heard of being a couch potato . . . but I’ve never heard of riding on a couch to get potatoes!



  1. When my son was a teenager and in a drug rehab program often referred to as "exuberant sobriety", the kids had a few experiences couch surfing. That is, they would find a couch in the trash, tow it behind a truck in a parking lot, and ride it until it fell apart.

    They sought a bunch of other opportunities for adrenaline highs to substitute for the drug highs, too.

    In this case, though, I suspect it was 3 guys without legal transportation due to DUI problems. Just my guess.

  2. I'm with you. How does it's "illegal to tow a couch through a drive-thru" become a law?

    "Officer, this isn't a couch, it's a love seat. Here's my receipt".

    "Hmm. You're right. In that case, you're free to go."

  3. I posted on this a while back.

    Cops gotta be killjoys.

    OTOH, no lights on the couch…at night. So there is that.

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