Fever dreams . . .

I woke up in the small hours of this morning running a fever – no idea how high, but I was shivering like crazy.  Miss D. wrapped me up warmly and put me back to bed, and I’ve spent most of the day resting, trying to shake off whatever this is.  (I suspect it’s something from the darkest recesses of the hall closet that I cleaned out on Sunday.)

I just don’t have much energy right now, so I won’t be posting much tonight.  I’ll try to put up more in the morning.  Until then, sleep well, y’all.



  1. Bummer!

    Hope you feel better soon!

    My wife's been down all day with what sounds like the same thing.

    And when I got home from work (YAY! Only 5 weeks to retirement!) today she said I didn't look good, and Dr. Mom pronounced me "warm and clammy".

    Uh-oh…..am I next?

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