“Forge A New Blade” – dead tree edition

The trade paperback edition of my latest novel, ‘Forge A New Blade’, is now available.  You can get it right away from CreateSpace if you’re so inclined;  alternatively, wait a day or two for the links to propagate and you’ll be able to buy it on Amazon.com.

Thanks for your patience in waiting for it.  After I decided to change the cover, it wasn’t worth putting out a dead tree edition for only a couple of days and then changing it.  That’s a more complicated process on CreateSpace than it is for the e-book edition on Amazon.com.  I therefore decided to hold the paper edition until the new cover was ready.  That also gave me the opportunity to fix a couple of typos in the manuscript.

I’ve uploaded the fixes to the Kindle edition as well.  They should propagate automatically to your copy.  If they don’t, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to your Amazon.com account.
  2. Select ‘Your Account’ from the opening page.
  3. Scroll down until you find ‘Manage your content and devices’, then click that.
  4. Select ‘Settings’ in the top menu.
  5. Scroll down to the ‘Automatic Book Update’ heading.  Make sure ‘On’ is selected.

That’ll make sure all e-book updates are downloaded automatically.


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