Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine has announced the winners of its 2015 Photo Contest. The overall winner was this spectacular image of a B-29 Superfortress on the ground at EAA Airventure 2015 in Oshkosh, WI, during the final fireworks display. (Click this and the other images for a larger view.)
One of the finalists in the Defense section of the competition was this image of an F-15E Strike Eagle taking off from Nellis AFB in Nevada during one of the Red Flag exercises held each year.
One of my personal favorites, and an Editor’s Pick, is this derelict World War II-vintage Curtiss C-46 Commando at an airstrip in the Brazilian rain forest.
There are lots more photographs at the link. The winners are provided there; scroll down to the bottom for links to finalist images, at which pages you can also scroll down to find more links to previous entries. It’s a great time-waster for aviation enthusiasts.