Phil at Bustedknuckles brings us this photograph (clickit to biggit):
My little collection suddenly feels terribly inadequate! I can hear them complaining from the gun safe . . . “We need more company!”
The idle musings of a former military man, former computer geek, medically retired pastor and now full-time writer. Contents guaranteed to offend the politically correct and anal-retentive from time to time. My approach to life is that it should be taken with a large helping of laughter, and sufficient firepower to keep it tamed!
Phil at Bustedknuckles brings us this photograph (clickit to biggit):
My little collection suddenly feels terribly inadequate! I can hear them complaining from the gun safe . . . “We need more company!”
I'm coining the term "roof guns." Those guns you put on your roof because you ran out of room on your deck.
I always thought of those as being optimized for use by "Roof Koreans".
For the first time ever, I wanna try to keep up with 'the Jones'.
Exactly what type of moron advertises this on the internet? He is now a target for everyone from the fbi to the local thief. Glad I don't know them.
How would you ever know if one was missing ?
What Stuart said. Considering how the adult children on 4Chan used one or two pictures to track and play capture the flag with Shia LaBoef in 2017, nothing is safe.
Which, of course, makes me believe that Osama Bin's location was known during Bush's presidency, but people hid it until Barky could use it to gain favorable polling data. (This fallen world has turned me into a conspiracy nut. Not far enough to believe in ancient aliens, but…)
What's the point? Getting ready for the next war or revolt? You can only use a couple guns in a shooting war up until you get killed. I would prefer to concentrate my money and time to a few quality weapons and their effective. use. Gotta agree with Stuart… What an idiot to let the world know and set himself and his family up as a target for the oligarchy and their minions presently ion control in Washington.
Particularly when so many gun owners have had those unfortunate boating accidents.
Beware the man who owns one gun, he likely knows how to use it.
I always did wonder about the foundation of Tam's residence.
To hell with the guns, where does he keep the ammo???
Difficult to tell, but he seems a little light on revolvers.
If he has a 1000 rounds per gun- picture that pile
Spo how does he know which one to clean first? Maybe the wife knows as it will be her job. LOL.
Beto: "We're coming for your guns."
America: "I'm your Huckleberry."
Nice bike! What?
Couple of things. Male seems a tad old to have such a young family. I'd guess that man knows how to weld with the homemade BBQ/smoker. We might be looking at a 'usable' 401k. Lot more fun than metals or stocks! Wait a minute, those are metal with stocks!
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Is he armorer for a platoon?
And I'm too lazy to check but if he didn't scrub the EXIF data from that photo it may very well have GPS coordinates.
I wonder if he owns a gun store and this was his stock.