I’d never heard of ‘The Badpiper’ before . . .

. . . and I must confess, my Scottish ancestors are probably spinning like tops in their graves at the thought of a “flame throwing, leather clad, heavily tattooed punk rock” piper – particularly in Australia!  Still, he’s certainly entertaining.  Here’s his rendition of AC/DC‘s ‘Thunderstruck‘.

‘Scotland The Brave’ it ain’t, but you have to admit, it has a certain style . . . particularly the flamethrower accompaniment!



  1. Two questions. Where does he keep the gas bottle and how does he trigger the release/flame? I have NSFW theories about both.

  2. The flames would certainly account for his hairstyle. 🙂
    My pipes never did that, though.

  3. He is a great bloke. I used to see him performing in Fremantle every weekend outside the Fremantle Markets.

  4. @eriko: Sadly far more mundane than that. There's a black box on his belt with a large button, which is used as a trigger. There's also a vertical black box on his back, which I would imagine would be the gas. Didn't even notice them until I went back to look after you had mentioned this.

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