1. Words fail me.
    I'm an Australian citizen, born 06 August, 1950.
    To my knowledge, there is nothing like what I've just seen and heard that exists here. No child in the education systems of Australia is taught, or exposed to, anything remotely approaching this.
    We are, by design(?), Politically Ignorant. Not ONCE, during my formative educational years, was the word Politics uttered, NOT ONCE did we debate Politics, NOT ONCE was I, a student, educated about anything remotely resembling an Australian Constitution.
    NOT ONCE, not one single time in all those years, was 'Democracy' talked about, in class, by my teachers. NOT ONCE.
    Today, as then, NOT ONCE are the present day school children exposed to anything of what I have said.
    It is still considered ínappropriate' to discuss, debate, Politics in our schools.
    Political ignorance is a subject course that can only be graded 'Pass' if the student presents a blank submission paper for marking.
    Now, Australia is reaping what it has been taught to sow over the years.
    It is a very, very disturbing picture that's been painted.

  2. I was going to say that not a single one of those voices seem to hear the echoes of the charges against King George in our sitting President's actions…

    Which is a shame, because it's a nicely presented piece!

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