Looks like “F Troop” did it again . . .

It seems the BATFE(IEIO) is up to its usual bumbling yet again.  After a messy scandal in Milwaukee, which revealed incompetence and mismanagement to an appalling degree, it’s now been reported that:

The U.S. Department of Justice inspector general will investigate the mistake-ridden ATF undercover sting in Milwaukee as part of a larger review of the agency’s handling of sensitive cases after its flawed “Operation Fast and Furious.”

Inspector General Michael Horowitz wrote to two members of Congress that the Milwaukee sting appeared to raise “significant management issues relating to the oversight and management” of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The issues, the letter said, were especially troubling coming after the agency had promised reforms.

There’s more at the link.  A full breakdown of the ATF’s Milwaukee fiasco may be found here.

Ever since the Obama Administration took power, the ATF has been in the forefront of illegal operations, official incompetence and bumbling stupidity.  I’ve never forgotten (nor forgiven them for) the murder of US Border Patrol agent Brian Terry as the result of the ATF’s botched ‘Operation Fast & Furious‘ – and he wasn’t the only casualty.  At least 150 Mexicans were killed as a result of the same operation.

Having worked in a law enforcement capacity for the Federal government myself, I can tell you that most Federal officers’ honest opinion of the BATFE is unprintable (mine is too!).  Frankly, if the agency were shut down and its employees disbarred from any further law enforcement service whatsoever – down to and including deputy acting unpaid second assistant dog-catcher – this country would be a lot better off.



  1. Let's see…

    Alcohol: FedGov acquired Constitutional regulatory authority through the 18th Amendment, but this has since been repealed by the 21st Amendment.

    Tobacco: FedGov has absolutely no Constitutional regulatory authority.

    Firearms: FedGov is explicitly prohibited from regulating same by the 2nd Amendment.

    Explosives: FedGov has absolutely no Constitutional regulatory authority.

    This organization is therefore completely illegitimate by all legal and moral standards, and should be treated like any other gang of criminals. Same with the DEA.


  2. "ATF's botched 'Operation Fast & Furious'"?????? Did you see the Congressional testimony of the whistle blowers? It was clear from the testimony that it was never about tracking guns to the drug cartels. The only thing botched about it was they didn't get all the restrictions on guns they wanted.

  3. At some point in the 90's(?), congress considered disbanding the ATF. Problem was what to do with the agents. Couldn't fire them (.gov workers). No other agencies would accept them. (working for the ATF is normally a one way door, as transfers out are extremely rare, due to their reputation) So, the agency goes on, unfortunately.

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