
Yesterday my latest book, ‘Stand Against the Storm‘, received its 100th reader review on

76 of the reviews have been 5-star and 22 4-star, with only 1 3-star and 1 2-star.  It took 71 days to accumulate 100 reviews, the fastest response to any of my books so far, and containing by far the highest proportion of positive comments.  Thank you very much to all of you who’ve contributed reviews, and who’ve supported Miss D. and myself by buying my books.  There aren’t enough words to tell you how much I appreciate you all.

I find the success of ‘Stand Against the Storm’ particularly gratifying because it was so difficult to write.  It looks like all the hard work and skull sweat paid off, even though at the time I sometimes felt as if I’d never get there.  It just goes to prove, once again, that perseverance pays off.

I’ve sent out the beta draft of Volume 2 of the Laredo War trilogy, ‘Forge a New Blade’, to beta readers, and will be working hard to incorporate their final suggestions and amendments over the next few weeks.

Look for it to be published about three weeks from now.  The fifth volume of the Maxwell Saga will follow (God willing) in August, and the final volume of the Laredo War trilogy, ‘Knife to the Hilt’, in November.

Meanwhile, there’s a potentially exciting development on the horizon.  If it works out, it won’t replace my self-published books (present and future), but be in addition to them.  Keep your fingers crossed for me, and watch this space.  That sort of thing takes a lot of time to develop, but perhaps in a year or so there may be good news.

Back to work . . .


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