My first novel is published at last!

Friends, ladies, gentlemen, and others:

My first work of fiction, a military science fiction novel titled ‘Take The Star Road‘, is now available as an e-book on Amazon.

It’s been published without digital rights management (DRM), so even if you don’t have a Kindle device or reader program, you can convert it to any other reader format you choose by using (free) conversion software such as Calibre.  A paper edition will follow as soon as I can find the time to format it – hopefully within a month or two – although it’ll inevitably be rather more expensive than the e-book.

To my friends with blogs or social media pages:  please spread the word about my book, and provide links to its Amazon page (simply copy this one, if you wish).  I can’t possibly succeed in this venture without your help!  Thanks in advance for your support.  We’ve already helped Larry Correia and Marko Kloos get a head start by self-publishing.  Can I be the third?  I hope so.

When you’ve read the book, please leave a review on Amazon.  Please be honest, and rate the book according to how much you enjoyed it.  Even if you didn’t, please say why, because that’ll help me improve the next book in the series.

Volume 2 of the Maxwell Saga will hopefully be published during July this year, and Volume 3 in November, if all goes well.  Here’s hoping for success!



  1. Congratulations! Just purchased. I'll be sure to leave a review.

    Now I guess I should get off my duff and keep working on my own novel… 🙂

    (formerly of Connecting the Dots blog)

  2. As one of your "beta" readers, I enjoyed it so much, I'm glad to buy it "off the shelf" as it were.

    And, congrats on the pull quote from Sarah Hoyt!

    Looking forward to the ongoing adventures of Steve Maxwell…

  3. Bought it…but it will have to wait for the other big release today: john Scalzi's The Human Division.

    At least you're in good company! 🙂

  4. Thank you so much for purchasing a printer to send me a paper copy!

    I will spread the word next week after the usual weekend blog traffic doldrums.

  5. Bought it, downloaded it, and it's running on my Calibre now.
    MAY have trouble getting to bed tonight.

  6. Heh, can't down load it from here, will go get it when I get back. And congratulations Peter!!!

  7. I know what I am reading today…this work stuff will be here tomorrow and the next day and the next and the next….

  8. I just finished it (I got it last night) and I'm in the same situation I am in about Terms of Enlistment.

    Basically Mr. Kloos wrote a great book, and his sequel was suppose to come out this month, but because he got all successful and stuff it won't be out till January. I want to read it now, and I want him to be successful, and sadly those two feelings aren't really meshing well for me. Though I will admit I am glad he managed to get an agent and a publisher, his next book will probably be really good and well worth the wait once it comes out, but I'll still want to read it now.

    I want you to be successful, but I don't want to risk your next book being pushed back farther. I know it's selfish but that's just how I feel about it. I hope you manage to publish book number two as soon as possible, and if you do an EARC like Correia did I'll gladly pay the double or triple price to read it as soon as possible, even if it is unfinished.

    Your ending was amazing, you have so many stories that you COULD tell from that point on that it isn't obvious what's going to happen next. It's not like Harry Potter or a bunch over other books where it's obvious what's going to happen, just not how it will happen.

    It seems like you aren't telling a story of beginning middle and end. It seems like you are actually telling the story of a young mans life and future.

    Honestly I think it is very likely that you will become the third gun blogger turned professional writer, and honestly I can't wait for the fourth and fifth and sixth.

    Thanks for a good book.

  9. @David W.: Thanks for the kind words. Please leave a review on Amazon as well!

    As for the next step, I have no idea whether or not I'll receive an offer from any publisher. I don't expect one. My plans are simply to publish book 2 of the series in July, and book 3 in November. Anything else is an unknown at this point. Books 4 and 5 are definitely planned for next year, assuming nothing changes.

  10. Congratulations, Peter!! I just bought a copy and downloaded it to my Kindle. I should have time to start reading it this weekend. Wishing you much success!!!

    Purple Magpie (G.K.)

  11. Got it for my Kindle. My current reading will be put on hold while I read this. (Priorities!) I promise to review it.

  12. I've never downloaded a book before but yours will be my first one. Looking forward to it if it's written half as good as your blog!

  13. So happy for you, Peter! Will pick it up soon. (though I really prefer print myself…) May God bless this first installment abundantly!! Big hugs!

  14. Bought and added to the enormous to-read queue. I've posted the Amazon URL on my Facebook page as well…

  15. I put up a notice about your book on y bog. I do not have an e-book reader, of any brand, so I imagine I will await the hard edition.

    Good luck with it, hope it rises to the top.

    All the best,
    Glenn B

  16. Good luck on that.

    My brother has a fantasy novel he self published as an Amazon Kindle book. He says he gets enough sales for it to be considered a part time job.

  17. Well, I just finished it. Posted a review on Amazon and at my blog. Very captivating read and definitely hooks you in for the next book. The action flows well and has good timing. Waiting for the next book. Great writing Peter!!

  18. Peter,

    I purchased your book yesterday. I was following your blog when you posted your 'beta' copy and I couldn't wait to read the full story. I have just one problem though… I purchased/downloaded your book yesterday, and I'm already finished… I'm really hoping the next one can make it out in July!!

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