Of German politics and . . . sex toys???

It is to laugh . . .

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) in Saxony has picked a fight with a more mainstream party politician. But it’s not about immigration or foreign policy – it’s about sex toys.

Each year the Free State of Saxony holds a competition called futureSAX for startups and fledgling businesses with innovative ideas . The winners then receive money to go towards developing their novel products.

This year a silent vibrator won third place with a €5,000 prize.The noise-less sex toy hopes to be a boon for those particularly annoyed by normal ones, including an elderly woman in Cologne who earlier this year got into a row involving police about a “farting, kissing” vibrator she purchased.

But not everyone was so impressed with the invention.

The far-right AfD’s vice chair in Saxony, Thomas Hartung, wrote in a statement on November 7th that the rewarding the vibrator by company Laviu was “a pathetic display”. He went on to foist blame onto state economy minister Martin Dulig, whose ministry oversees the contest.

He also gave Dulig the quaint nickname of “Dildo-Dulig”.

“Whoever considers the development of a silent vibrator to be innovative and gives it third place in the ‘futureSAX’ competition must ask themselves about their own understanding of technology,” Hartung wrote.

“Saxony used to be proud of inventions… like the mechanical loom or Germany’s first functionally-built steam locomotive, but now it’s supposed to be proud of sex toys,” he added, also bragging about Saxony’s apparent invention of a drum washing machine, which some may in fact use as an alternative to the invention he condemned.

There’s more at the link.

Perhaps they should withdraw (you should pardon the expression) the vibrator’s award.  After all, there must be a penile-ty clause somewhere in the contract!


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