Off to LibertyCon!

Miss D. and I will be heading out to Chattanooga, TN tomorrow to attend LibertyCon.  I’ll be participating in several panels, and she’ll be co-presenting one of them with me.  If any readers plan to be there, make sure to stop by and say hello.  (If you want to know more about the con, this is a good place to start.  It’s a fun gathering.)

Blogging will be lighter during the convention, for obvious reasons.  I’ll try to post at least once per day, more if possible, but everything will depend on con activities, panels, etc.  There’s also the LibertyCon Shoot on Friday – this must be the only SF/book convention with its own organized shooting excursion!  Much fun is had by all.  I’m not taking much this year, as I have a panel early that afternoon and have to get back in time for it.  The others will probably be busy well into the afternoon.

Thanks to everyone for all you’ve done to make the past year a publication success story for me.  It’s why I’m going to this year’s con as an author/presenter, not just a visitor.  I’ll do my best to keep dishing up interesting, entertaining reading for you in the year to come.



  1. Maaaaannnnn, I must be the only one not going to LibertyCon. *sloucehs off to sulk*

    LittleRed1 (aka TXRed)

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