1. Most excellent indeed. A couple years back, they did a similar one with two vintage Spitfires, but I can't seem to find it any longer.

    I has to have me a Corsair like that one.

  2. Stretch, in answer to your question…
    MANY finely tuned radials and merlins!!.
    This is brilliant in every way.
    Brietling got one fundamental thing perfect.
    The engine sounds.
    …Yeah, o.k, the 'twins' ain't too bad either.
    The music?, it's horses for courses, some like, some don't.
    It works for me though.
    A very very nice bit of work all round!.

  3. OOPS, concentration lapse in previous post.
    BREITLING, I meant to spell BREITLING correctly, as here.
    Sorry 'bout that Breitling.

  4. Stu, have you ever been to the aircraft museum in Temora, NSW?
    I understand it is quite nice. As if I need another reason to visit.

    I'm spoiled, I live 20 minutes from the Udvary-Hazy Annex, National Air & Space Museum, National Air & Space Museum.

  5. Stretch,
    I'm embarrassed to say, no, I have'nt been there…YET!.
    About 6 years ago, I was fortunate enough to have a two day self arranged tour through the USAF Museum at Dayton, Ohio.
    Stunningly impressive hardly conveys how I felt. I was actually seeing and TOUCHING things aeronautical that I have been aware of since my first conscious thought that involved wings.
    Two gentlemen saw my gobsmacked looks of reverence, and afforded me a singular honour.
    I was shown where to put two fingers on the side of the Have Blue/Tacit blue? machine, I pressed hard, and the crew access door opened. They invited me to stand inside the door, feet on the ground.
    What I saw, felt and smelled will stay with me for eternity.
    Jet jackson, you were instantly relegated to the mists of my boyhood, here, was the real thing!!.
    I will be back.

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