This made me laugh – a surf traffic incident off Australia.
“Coming through!” – or, Mother Nature always has the right of way!
The idle musings of a former military man, former computer geek, medically retired pastor and now full-time writer. Contents guaranteed to offend the politically correct and anal-retentive from time to time. My approach to life is that it should be taken with a large helping of laughter, and sufficient firepower to keep it tamed!
This made me laugh – a surf traffic incident off Australia.
“Coming through!” – or, Mother Nature always has the right of way!
That was on purpose… A sense of humor prevails!
On porpoise!
Almost jumped the human.
moral fucing majority porposes.
Gotta admit…I actually had no clue! – until just now, that is – that bottle-nose dolphins a) enjoyed surfing and/or b) indulged in same as a "group sport-activity"…
I do recollect having seen/read somewhere that some marine scientists (who had apparently been closely-studying dolphins) had determined that the critters apparently had a rather crude, rather-evil sense of humor, especially towards "physically-lesser" other critters (like – say – unsuspecting humans out in the open water…)
"Hey!- Ya pokey-assed schmuck!…Gangway, speed-bump!…"