Publication day is getting closer . . .

Miss D. and I are in the final stages of preparation to publish my first novel on Amazon.  Look for an announcement next week, if all goes well.

The last-minute details are both fun and frustrating!  There’s the cover to fix up;  we’ve already selected the art, but now there’s the choice of font, layout, etc.  Oleg will be helping us with that.  The editing’s done, but formatting for e-book publication is still a bit of a pain.  Right now, the title for one chapter is appearing over the text for the preceding chapter, which isn’t exactly what we’re shooting for!  Clearly, we’re doing something wrong, but we haven’t yet been able to find the problem and fix it.  I’m also waiting for a review/cover blurb from a fairly well-known author in the field, who’s reading the manuscript right now.  I hope she likes it!

It’s exciting and daunting at the same time.  I’ve put several years of my life into ‘learning the trade’, so to speak.  Have I learned it well enough?  Will the book appeal to readers?  There’s only one way to find out . . . so watch this space!



  1. My first book was published this year in paperback, hard cover, and Kindle. It went to the top 100 for a week, then sales plummet after the first phase. So prepare for that.

    I'm now writing the PREQUEL for Amazon Kindle as a free book, just to wet the appetite of anyone who reads it, then point them toward my paperback.

    WARNING: My Kindle version that the publisher put up on Amazon, is cut up, shot up, full of errors and chopped sentences.

    I'm now writing in full Kindle mode. I don't want the hassle of changing a Word program to a Kindle format, so I'm formatting as I write. And this is a damn slow process.

    So I've gone the route with a publisher, now I'm trying it alone.

    Since either way carries risks, I'm at least giving it a shot.

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