Quote of the day

From Borepatch, concerning the sex scandals surrounding current and prospective members of Congress and the Senate:

Pretty wild – every time I think that my assessment of Congress can’t be any lower than it is, they up and say “hold my beer”.




  1. The term "politics" is actually a portmanteau of the Greek "poly", meaning "many", and "tics", a corrupted spelling of the name of a disgusting little blood-sucking parasite..

  2. There is nothing like politics which demonstrates hypocrisy.

    "I believe the women's stories of Roy Moore and he should step away from seeking office – but Al Franken – well – I don't know, we really should investigate more – look – SQUIRREL!"

    The current political turmoil in politics (I hope) will be shown in future demonstrations as reasons why term limits were needed. Because the voter can only take so much stupidity.

  3. IS there a pattern of behavior here? Democrats repeatedly rape, assault, and harrass women. They then cover this up, while accusing innocent Republicans of doing what they've already done.

    Submitted to the court of opinion – the unfounded accusations (code for 'completely made up lies') against Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson. Those are jsut the two that immediately come to mind.

    Liberals/progressives/Democrats/leftists/communists/barking moonbats cover for each other no matter what until the public becomes widely aware of their heinous crimes, then they feign surprise and cast the sacrificial victim out of their camp. For a while, until the howling of the mob grows faint.

    SJWs always lie. SJWs always double down. SJWs always project.

  4. It's now been discovered there's a "which fund" that is used to pay victims of abuse by Congress-critters,to be quiet, settling out of court. Layout, of taxpayer funds, is over 15 MILLION dollars, to date. And some of these leeches are still in office, and more honorable members didn't even k ke of the funds existence…

  5. Anonymous said:
    The current political turmoil in politics (I hope) will be shown in future demonstrations as reasons why term limits were needed. Because the voter can only take so much stupidity.

    Really? The average voter isn't paying any attention to all this, because the average pretty voter much defines defines stupidity related to what goes on in Washington, DC. When Congress has a 9% approval rating, but incumbents are re-elected at over 85%, it is easy to see nobody really cares.

    As for term limits, we have term limits for Congress. See above; it's called the vote, but we don't use it. We are happy not to. And Congress will never vote limits on themselves. A Democrat Congress certainly won't, and a Democrat President wouldn't sign the measure into law.

    Would it make a difference? If a member of Congress knows he/she won't go back after X years, what will stop a Congress where 1/3 or 1/2 the members won't be back next term from passing another Obamacare, or something even worse? And knowing you only have twelve years to get rich from selling your vote instead of thirty will make the graft and corruption even worse.

    If it takes a revolution to change things, the result will be vastly different from what people on both sides think.

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