Quote of the day

From Weer’d Beard, concerning the ATF‘s involvement in cigarette smuggling activities in order to entrap criminals – following which they can’t account for millions of dollars and tens of millions of smuggled cigarettes:

Really I’m starting to think that the ATF is
simply a criminal organization with arrest powers.

I can only say that in my (not inconsiderable) experience, the opinions of the ATF expressed by agents of other Federal law enforcement agencies are frequently unprintable.  Draw your own conclusions.



  1. Plus, they'll kill your dogs or stomp on your kittens to death. Deny you any medication you might need. Ship grenades to drug cartels. And I'm not even started.

  2. I find it illuminating that the other .feds won't accept transfers from ATF.
    In fact, back in the 90's, congress talked about shutting down ATF, but didn't, due to no place to put all those agents that couldn't be dismissed. FBI told them NO F'N WAY would they accept them. They should have closed it anyway.

  3. Alcohol: The Feds had the power to regulate that under the 18th Amendment, but that was repealed by the 21st.

    Tobacco: Nope, nothing in the Constitution giving the Feds any authority over that.

    Firearms: Expressly forbidden by the 2nd Amendment from regulating firearms.

    Therefore, the very existence of the ATF is unConstitutional, and therefore criminal. Nuff said.

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