Rob a gun shop, get shot

On December 26th, a pair of crooks decided to rob a gun shop in Georgia.  It didn’t go well for them.  Here’s a news report with some of the details.

The impressive thing is how fast, and how well, the gun shop owner reacted, as shown in the surveillance video camera footage below.  He’d clearly had some good training in the use of his weapon, and did so very effectively.  Note the rapid reload after he empties his first magazine, before he goes to check on the fallen robber.

Nice work, sir!  That looked to have been a head shot, too, on the fallen robber, or perhaps a hit on the spinal column.  One doesn’t collapse so suddenly unless the central nervous system is taken out.  A heart shot wouldn’t have done it.


EDITED TO ADD:  The deceased perpetrator has been identified – and, to judge by the descriptions from family and friends, you’d think he was a choirboy, if not an angel.  Why am I not surprised?


  1. Heh, he din do nuffen. He was a good kid; changin his life round; tryin ta feed his kids……
    Ha, waiting for the "choir boy" excuse in 3.2.1…..

  2. Note the idiot robber trying to dual wield handguns. He must have learned his skills from playing video games.

  3. "The right to buy weapons is the right to be Free". The Weapon Shops of Isher by A. E. Van Vogt, a passed over great name in S. F.

  4. I recall some years ago of hearing an attempted robbery of a gun shop by a knife wielding thug. They say the reponse was a lot like Indiana Jones.

  5. The employee should look for a different line of work. Not very bright. Walks back to the owner while staying in line with the BG's. The owner's last shot at BG#2 passes within a foot of his face while he is still STANDING there.

    Seems to think having his hands in the air makes him bulletproof, I guess.

  6. Will, not completely impossible that he'd have been maintaining (partial) concealment for the owner. Wouldn't be my choice of tactics but I've heard of such before.

    And some of the old war veterans I've hunted with thought a foot at that distance was quite enough. (As in I got reprimanded for not taking the shot, and it was just edible game, not dangerous…)

  7. The owner might consider a different load for carry. Too much smoke generated for good video coverage. Normally that's from hits to wallboard.
    Hmm, maybe #2 was shooting instead of running. Need more cameras!

  8. Good work by the shop owner and in my book the assistant did the right thing.
    Down here in Australia a gun store owner or employee is not allowed by law to have a weapon ready for self defence, nor is self defence sufficient reason to have a firearms licence.

    Three cheers for the Second Amendment.

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