Screaming limited-time deal on a great camp knife

If you’re looking for a general-purpose field and camp knife, bigger than your average folder or fixed-blade, able to do everything from chopping kindling to dressing meat to defending yourself in a pinch, there’s a red-hot limited-time deal from Woot today.  It’s for the Kershaw Camp 10 Knife.  As the name suggests, it has a 10-inch blade, nicely heavy and sharp.

I already own a couple of these knives, and regard them very highly. I’d rate them as better than the Glock field knife and (with their soft grippy rubber handle) more comfortable to use.  As a heavy-duty blade for your bug-out bag or emergency preparations supplies, it’s hard to beat at this price.

Normally the Camp 10 sells in the mid-$30’s to the mid-$40’s range, but Woot’s daily
deal special is for only $21.99.  At that price I bought 3, the most
they’ll allow per customer, and I wish they’d let me buy more!  These
will make great gifts for like-minded friends.

Seriously, this is a screaming good deal. I don’t make any money by telling you about it, or earn any commission from Kershaw or Woot – I just wanted to give you a heads-up so you can get in on the deal if you wish.  The offer closes at midnight tonight, or sooner if stocks run out.



  1. Kershaw makes a good knife for the price paid – I own quite a few of them, being a vintage knife collector. That is an outstanding price for the product. I may have read a comment about its larger machete blade chipping though – a little research would be worth it.

    For $22 – heck of a buy, thanks for making us aware of it.

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