‘Stand Against The Storm’ is published!

At long last, the fourth volume in the Maxwell Saga, ‘Stand Against The Storm‘, is published.  Click on the link, or on the image below, to be taken to the Kindle edition’s page on Amazon.com.

The print edition has been published by CreateSpace.  You can order it there right away, but it isn’t yet listed on Amazon.com – they use different computer systems, so there are sometimes a few delays.

I hope you enjoy this book.  A lot of blood, sweat and tears went into it!  Now for the second volume of the Laredo Trilogy, which is already about 10% written.



  1. I can't wait to order and read it. The cover art is awesome and the prose, as always, will be superlative.

  2. Congratulations! I'm about to order it. Sadly, your publication schedule indicates that that my primary complaint will continue: I read faster than you write.

  3. Latecomer here, just started reading Take the Star Road, but I am enjoying it very much. It reminds me of Heinlein, tbh. And THAT is a very good thing! It won't take me long to catch up and be complaining that you need to write faster, so get busy. 😉


  4. Sorry -the deleted comment was mine – giant typo (for some reason I've been locked onto a computer screen reading for several hours).

    I finished it! (If my husband complains that dinner is reheated chicken and not something gourmet from scratch) I'll just have HIM start it and try and put it down

    Excellent storyline, and riveting plot. You've really (without any spoilers as there is a biggie in there) hit your stride in this work, it being more complex in characterization than the previous ones, as good as they were. Your bad guys are smarter and your good guys were more human – it's still very much a space fantasy but it's believable (though I'd have to see Steve do that 10 meter jump without a compound fracture to the femur :-).

    I'll get up a review in the morning as I have some housework to get caught up on 🙂 It's your best work yet. Congratulations Peter!

  5. Congratulations! And just in time for my plane trip tomorrow — how thoughtful of you 😉 Purchased, downloaded to iPad. Now Must. Not. Read. Tonight.

  6. I just ordered it; the first three were excellent, and I devoured them. now, Peter, you need to cease frivolous hobbies like eating and sleeping so you can chain yourself to the keyboard!!

  7. @0007: They're all available in print from CreateSpace. Follow the links to Amazon.com to order. Thanks for your interest!

  8. Thanks for the info – as I said I have problems with reading on the web. Blogs are okay but page after page… I'll go looking.

  9. And… now the long wait for the next one begins.

    Brigid has it spot on: this is your best yet.

    I'm really looking forward to the intersection of the Laredo books and the Maxwell saga.

  10. @Joe Allen: Hopefully not such a long wait. I'm already more than 25% through the second volume of the Laredo Trilogy. Look for it in May.

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