Still on the road

Miss D. and I have been enjoying our run through parts of the Midwest. We spent the last couple of days in Ohio with members of her family, taking care of some business matters and catching up on family news. This morning we accompanied her brother, his wife and their two young daughters to the USAF Museum in Dayton, OH. It’s a new experience for me to have to discourage an excited child from climbing into the open bomb bay of a Douglas B-18 Bolo patrol bomber, and to hear her contemptuously dismiss the depth charges displayed in front of it as ‘not real bombs’!

From there we headed for Indianapolis, where we’ve joined forces with Old NFO to visit the Indy 1500 gun show tomorrow morning, and attend a blogmeet during the afternoon. He took us to a wonderful seafood restaurant this evening, so we’re all stuffed to the gills with various fishy and finny things. Miss D.’s already gone to bed, and I’ll join her soon, to allow our digestions to catch up with our appetites.

I’ll put up a couple of posts for tonight and tomorrow night, and normal blogging will resume as of Monday evening.


1 comment

  1. i visited the USAF Museum for the first time not long ago. Found it to be absolutely wonderful and impressive. I'd suggest it to all. I wanted to climb on the planes, too!

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