Pink AR-15 raffle for breast cancer research

My buddies at Fuzzy Bunny Movie Guns (FBMG Inc.) are raffling – what else? – a pink AR-15 rifle to support breast cancer research. Details can be found on Larry’s blog. I strongly urge you to support this very worthy cause. Quite apart from the fact that you’ll be doing some good, think of the… Continue reading Pink AR-15 raffle for breast cancer research

Light posting tonight, I’m afraid . . .

. . . I’ve got the Dreaded Lurgy, or something like it. Feeling rather off, to put it mildly! (Anyone else remember the wonderful Goon Show classic, “Lurgi Strikes Britain“?) There’s one Doofus Of The Day to post. More tomorrow. Peter

Has anyone tried “pinhole glasses”?

I’m intrigued by the claims made by the vendors of so-called “pinhole glasses“. I’m aware that many of the more extravagant claims can no longer be made in the USA, because the FDA has ruled that there’s insufficient medical evidence to prove them: but I’ve seen such claims in overseas publications and Web sites. I’m… Continue reading Has anyone tried “pinhole glasses”?

A vegetative state may not be so vegetative any more

I’m intrigued to read of a new method of communicating with brain-damaged persons, using brain scans. BRAIN-scanning technology could allow doctors to read the intentions of patients who are unable to communicate via speech or gesture, with profound implications for emotionally charged debates about euthanasia and the way in which severely brain-damaged patients are treated.… Continue reading A vegetative state may not be so vegetative any more

Now why hasn’t anyone thought of this before?

An Australian company, Island Sky, has come up with an idea for a water-making machine that’s positively brilliant. The two key elements involved in making water from the air are: humidity and temperature. Island Sky® Water-Making Machines stand uniquely apart from other water generating appliances thanks to their revolutionary patented technology that draws more water… Continue reading Now why hasn’t anyone thought of this before?

Gay Pride weekend

This weekend will see Gay Pride parades held all over the world, in an attempt by those who choose and/or support this lifestyle to persuade the rest of us that it’s ‘normal’, ‘natural’ and ‘mainstream’. They’re lying, of course. By dictionary definition (look up normal and abnormal, natural and unnatural for yourself) homosexuality is neither… Continue reading Gay Pride weekend

Human ovulation captured on camera

This is fascinating! A Belgian specialist, Dr. Jacques Donnez, spotted ovulation in progress during a routine operation. He was able to capture it on film – the first time this has ever been done. From the upper left, viewing clockwise, we see the ovum emerge slowly from the ovary. Click the picture to enlarge it.… Continue reading Human ovulation captured on camera

Homeopathy exposed as a fraud – again

I’ve long maintained that homeopathy is one of the longest-running and most successful medical frauds in history. A professor in England is now offering a £10,000 prize to anyone who can prove that homeopathy actually works. I don’t think he’s in any danger of losing his money. One of the country’s leading professors of complementary… Continue reading Homeopathy exposed as a fraud – again